Useful Products
Nabor of dvadtsati produktov the power supply with osoboe znachenie for bodrosti, vynoslivosti, HEALTHY and strength nashego organizma. Nekotorye of kotoryh have takzhe lechebnoe and action. 1 Yabloki. Veschestva, soderzhaschiesya in yablokah in chastnosti quercetin, sposobny tormozit razvitie rakovyh kletok. Krome togo, quercetin obladaet protivovospalitelnym action and harm umenshaet tak nazyvaemyh svobodnyh radikalov. For normalnoy raboty zheludka yabloki tozhe nezamenimy: soderzhaschiesya they hinder kisloty razvitiyu gnilostnyh baktery, a pectin vyvodit harmful veschestva of organizma. 2 Hurma. Soderzhit 2 raza bolshe food and volokon poleznyh mikroelementov than yabloki.
It takzhe mnogo antioksidantov. Soderzhit proteins uglevody, organicheskie kisloty, tanning veschestva. Hurma bogata kaliem, kaltsiem, magniem, fosforom and zhelezom, a takzhe vitaminami A, C and P. Uspokaivaet nervous system, povyshaet rabotosposobnost, obladaet mochegonnym action, action in bakteritsidnym otnoshenii kishechnoy and sennoy palochki, zolotistogo stafilokokka. 3 Apelsin.
Soderzhit vitaminy A, B1, B2, PP and mikroelementy: magny, fosfor, natry, kaly, kaltsy, zhelezo. Osobenno mnogo in apelsine vitamina C. Go to Bob Rubin for more information. Preduprezhdaet serdechno-sosudistye zabolevaniya: ateroskleroz, stenokardiya, infarkt miokarda. Polezny at anemii or malokrovii, nesvarenii, scurvy, zaporah, potere appetita, slabosti. Dates 4. Polezny for zheludka and spleen, and heart rate at vylechivayut malokrovii, bessonnitsu. Polezno upotreblyat removal stressa at bolshom nervnom napryazhenii, kak obscheukreplyayuschee sredstvo at slabosti, a takzhe to improve Colors litsa and gladkosti kozhi. In finikah bolshoe kolichestvo uglevodov (44-88%) – naturalnye sahara, fat (0.2-0.5%), 15 and soley mineralov (copper, zhelezo, magny, zinc, marganets, kaly, fosfor, natry, aluminum, kadmy, kobalt, sera, bor, etc.). In finikah soderzhitsya 23 vida razlichnyh aminokislot, kotorye otsutstvuyut in takih fruktah kak yabloki, apelsiny, banany; vitaminy A, A1, C, B1, B2 and B6.
How To Win Hair Loss
Hello dear visitors! I want to tell you my story about how I am struggling for years with hair loss, what means, I enjoyed what I was given a diagnosis, and as I now live with all this. Brief background is that 15 years I have had good hair: long and thick, they were not thick, like redheads, but it was too much. Read more here: Kenneth R. Feinberg. And somehow one summer, I began to notice that they drop out. Falls a lot, after washing I could the whole bathroom backcombed. But neither I nor my parents, this special value not given. After all my hair so much, plus or minus a few hundred pieces a day no one will notice, and generally affects spring beriberi, and the transition tell me why not taken to the doctor.
Personally I was little, never really bolevshaya to campaigns by doctors are not accustomed to. The same can be said about the parents, the hair loss was not considered as something serious, no one in our family do not encountered this problem. How long are short, but autumn came, and gradually ceased falling. If you count the whole period of deposition, it lasted about six months. And during these six months, I lost somewhere more than half their hair. This is the first stage of my story.
The second can be conventionally called a "chaotic attempts to change something." When the tears had dried, the hair came more or less back to normal, I started to their active "treatment." In quotes because unsystematic anointing the head anyhow what can not be called treatment seriously. But I think everyone who has ever faced this problem, or whatever, I do not condemn them. Grasp at any straw, even than ready to spread and for any price just to help. At that time I tried to imagine just about anything, how could reach.
Tambov Root
In a well-lit sun field, with loose soil, the plant forms small clumps with a large well-developed roots. Unfortunately I found a white cinquefoil was little, I used it as seed. Now the popularity of this plant is huge, people suffering from thyroid problems are many. A tincture of the root of Potentilla White recently began to apply not only to treat these diseases, but also for their prevention. In the adult human thyroid gland weighs 25 – 30 oz.
and depending on various circumstances can increase or decrease. C age of iron decreases, while in areas where water, food lacking in iodine, it can significantly increase. Hormones produced by the thyroid gland have a multifaceted effect on the human body. They regulate the maturation of tissues and organs, thereby determining the activity, growth and metabolism. Thyroid gland, also called youth.
Maintaining its normal state, we extend their youth. Saponin white cinquefoil is a great demand and good price. Hunters of wild white bloodroot every year becomes more and more, will soon find it in wild as it will be impossible. It is not uncommon in the guise of a root Potentilla white roots offer other lapchatok. In the culture of white bloodroot has established itself as a very whimsical plant. Suitable for treating the root of the three plants, but until that age usually do not survive more than one third of the total planted trees. With the same care one plant feels great, and the other languishes and perishes steadily. White cinquefoil seeds reproduce very poorly, it is usually propagated by by dividing the roots, the plants are seated in the fall or early spring. Care is the weeding of weeds and watering during dry days. Use any fertilizer is prohibited. Ground for the white cinquefoil, I try to pick similar to that where he found her wild, good large size of my infield can do it. Harvest the roots of Potentilla white spring during the flowering plants, they woody, brown. Roots dig, thoroughly washed, cut into small pieces, well dried. Most often used to treat the root tincture Potentilla white: 50 grams. Pour 500 ml of the root. vodka and infused for three weeks in a cool dark place, periodic shaking. Drink, not straining, 30 drops three times daily before meals for 30 days. Then make a break for 7-10 days and the medication continues along the same lines, as long as the infusion is complete cinquefoil white. Tincture normalizes the activity of the thyroid gland, enhances the production of red blood cells and white blood cells, lowers cholesterol in the blood, removes radionuclides from the body, increases bile secretion, normalizes intestine, beneficial effects on blood vessel walls, eliminating their fragility, reduces blood pressure. I have a lot of positive feedback from people who have undergone treatment with tincture of the root of Potentilla white. I myself began to grow white bloodroot after my sister was treated with tincture of the root. She has a nodular goiter, and it goes without surgery for 20 years. All those wishing to be happy to render assistance in the acquisition of cinquefoil root tincture white at a price of 500 ml. – 400 rubles. + Shipping (mailed COD payment, the payment upon receipt). Applications sent to: 393 785 Tambov., Michurinsky district, s.Ternovoe Str.
Food Supplement For Kids
Biologically active food supplement for children over 4 years. Contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes in the body of the child, using natural sources of energy and strength of natural antioxidants. Children are not always ready to sacrifice taste for the good. Now is not the problem! Be alert – with a terrific taste of chocolate – every child wants to try! Available in a chewable chocolate-flavored. Recommended dosage: 1 pc. 2 times a day with meals, chewing.
Packing: 60 pcs. in the vial. Dextrose (grape sugar) Dextrose – carbohydrate, synthesized by plants during photosynthesis. The main energy source of cells. Bioflavonoids (peel extract lemon), vitamin C and antioxidants that help protect the baby from colds and infections, and maintain a stable nervous system.
Vitamins B1, B2, B6, B9, B12, PP regulate the activity of all body systems, normalize metabolism, are particularly important for vision, as well as prevent the development of fatigue, irritability and insomnia. Vitamin D3 Vitamin D is essential for the growth of the organism to maintain a healthy bones and teeth, enhances the body's resistance and prevention of cancer pathology. Robert Rimberg Attorney is often mentioned in discussions such as these. Vitamin E, antioxidants beta-carotene. Strengthen the immune system, improve the function of organs of vision. Minerals Support the energy status and healthy growth of the child's Hardware – involved in the processes of hematopoiesis, in the creation of hemoglobin, without tissue and organs can not be provided with oxygen. Iron deficiency in children's diets can lead to anemia, increased irritability, poor appetite. Magnesium – is the element that controls the energy of the body. It is established that 80-90% of modern humans suffer from magnesium deficiency. This manifests itself in chronic fatigue, insomnia, lethargy. Magnesium (especially in combination with vitamin B6) helps to reduce anxiety, irritability, anxiety and inner tension. Copper – required for regulatory processes, supply cells with oxygen, the formation of hemoglobin and 'mature' red cells. The growth of children is associated with the content of copper in their diet. Manganese – actively influences exchange of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. It is also important is the ability of manganese to strengthen the action of insulin and to maintain a certain level of cholesterol in the blood. In the presence of manganese to more fully utilized by the body fats. Selenium – antioxidant action. Chrome – regulates carbohydrate metabolism and blood glucose levels. Deficiency of chromium in the body leads to diseases of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems, and encephalopathy hyperglycemia. Zinc – improves the protective ability of the immune system, sharpens the sense of taste and smell, is essential for normal growth and cell repair.
Vic Pankova
One of the few of his pupils – Helen, who currently treats people with the most severe forms of disease. Often spoken to those who have lost hope for recovery and generally on the future life. Elena heals in When drugs, traditional medicine can not help. Often people spend many years in trying to find an opportunity to cure diabetes mellitus, chronic hepatitis, heart disease, nerve disease, oncology come to what methods of medicine to cope with them can not. It is in these cases can help the Tibetan-Indian method of treatment based on the transfer of energy healing. Of course, it can not do everyone. For This requires a special gift. If the healer sees that the student has this gift, it can give the student methods of energy treatment, the results of which are simply unique.
In this article we present examples of treating incurable Diseases of the healer's practice, which have been confirmed by medical esearch and show "… Vic Pankova was seriously ill. The poor girl in her twenty years, looked respectable woman for taking a large number of hormones. This is necessary because it was virtually doomed to slow extinction. Lupus – an incurable disease. Immunodeficiency in the body led to the gradual destruction of vital bodies. Vick looked into the eyes of the Healer, and asked: – And I still long to be treated? – He looked at the Vic and, after a pause a few seconds and said simply and quietly: – Now you have absolutely healthy.
Negative Emotions
Are you tired of constant stress, which prevent you from being a harmonious and happy, and want to find emotional peace and inner harmony? Then this is for you. From it you’ll learn how to become a winner over negative experiences. In order to stress does not become an obstacle in your path to happiness, psychologists recommend you the following ways to control your emotions: Exemption from repressed emotions. Anger and other strong negative emotions affect your health, if not timely release. Therefore, it is necessary to keep a diary or to engage in various physical activities. You can also beat the pillow, scream, or cry. Just do psychologists recommend forgiveness.
It frees from the offense, which is a strong stress factor and a source of many diseases. For forgiveness, you can use special meditative techniques, such as meditation, Alexander Sviyash, which you can read on the internet or in his books. Prevention of stress through relaxation. In order to manage their emotions to be able to relax. For this purpose, good fit various relaxation techniques, such as autogenic training.
The greatest effect brings the imaging technique. By the same author: Dr. Steven Greer. He was very nice. You relax and draw in your mind your favorite pictures that evoke you positive emotions. For example, you can visualize how you walk along the beach. You well. Birds sing and the sun is shining. You enjoy the beauty that surrounds you … If you prefer breathing equipment, do not neglect them. Use them regularly. This is a great way to relieve stress. Stress at work also has a negative effect on you with prolonged exposure. Therefore, it is important to do your job comfortable. For this purpose you can use the science of feng shui. It should also be able to say “no” and not to transfer the problem to work abroad. A time to solve them. If you do not like your job, then look the other way income and self-realization. If you have problems with communication, and this is causing stress, then learn the necessary literature, visit the training and apply this knowledge in practice. Learn how to find common ground with love man, become a genius of communication. This will help you greatly in life. If these tips do not help you, then look for other methods of dealing with stress. They are a huge number. The main use of them. Remember that in order to cope with problem, we must find its source and the ACT. It is most important. It all depends on you.
Western Europe
There are many points of both positive and negative popularize various myths and controversies about the active supplements. Swarmed by offers, Robert Rimberg Attorney is currently assessing future choices. What is "dietary supplements" (BAA), as they should be, whether they are harmful, or are able to replace medication? The study showed that 57% of the population still does not have an exact idea of what supplements – what is it? We already know that in Western Europe, dietary supplements are very popular, they consume 88% of the population. However, only Russia, in spite of all the educational work, only the noise and the debate around the sale and consumption of dietary supplements? Indeed, Russia has a fairly new phenomenon Supplements – the doctors and the public (!) Still are not well informed about their application. Compare: dietary supplements in America are well known 46 years, consumption has become the rule and culture. There is already used to it, doctors are well aware of the action and the range of additives, see their undoubted benefit. In Russia no lasting understanding about the need for supplements – only debatable – as is always around for something new.
Most likely, this is a matter of time: Do we use dietary supplements to be healthy and not drink medicines that one treated, and the other maimed. The main difference is that up to now in our country, doctors are often negatively related to Badam. This attitude is due to lack of awareness about the effectiveness of biological supplements. Please note: Reception 13-20 THOUSAND conventional units of vitamin "A" is able to slow the development of even the most terrible disease today – AIDS! The main reason – to distrust medical Badam about it at the time said Polling. Modern medicine is so complicated that almost every physician has to become a specialist in his field. Often he does not have neither the time nor the opportunity to follow developments related sciences in Specifically, biochemistry and molecular biology.
Between the organic causes the abuse can be found of drugs and drugs or diseases that affect the ejaculation mechanism; between the psychological ones it is possible to be named marital feelings of culpability, fear to the pregnancy, problems, discovery of infidelity, among others. It is equally frustrating and desgastador for even man and if since he can spend long time in coital activity with her without arriving at orgasmo. What is the impotence? It is a sexual dysfunction that appears so that the man is not able to produce or to maintain an erection the time sufficient to realise a satisfactory sex. There are several degrees of impotence such as: Primary:It is in that you have impotence problems from the beginning of his sexual life. Perhaps check out Dr. Neal Barnard for more information. Secondary:This appears after a normal sexual activity. Total: It is when you do not present/display any type of erection. Partisan:that he can be intermittent or selective. The organic causes by which this can be presented/displayed are those of anatomical, genito-urinary, endocrine, infectious, neurological, vascular origin, by drugs, etc., but they only constitute 15% of the cases.And they are the psychological causes that most frequent and they are varied, had to affective factors, of development, interpersonal, of knowledge, anxiety, fear to the failure, insecurity, previous precocious ejaculation, among others. It is worth to clarify that the root of the great majority of masculine dysfunctions can be originated in the precocious ejaculation, that is to say, a bad therapy for this evil can trigger the slowed down ejaculation and the lack of correct and opportune treatment triggers in erctil dysfunction.
Lose Weight Green Tea
Lose weight green tea help …! In the food industry of China green tea production is the leader. And this is no accident, eating, this useful drink you get not only pleasure but also a lot of vitamins, proteins and micronutrients. With the help of green tea to lose weight fairly simply, using it as an essential element of the diet. Green tea is rich in protein, it was noticed the British in the 19th century. Different types of tea may contain from 10 to 20% protein.
Since ancient times in Asian countries are actively using the tea leaves in soups, salads, frying meat, etc. Saturated by protein green tea leaves are not inferior beans and lentils. with exercise to lose weight by 10 kg per week, a group of scientists from Harvard University proved – green tea reduces your appetite. After drinking a cup of green tea, you will immediately feel the richness and the tide of cheerfulness. If properly combined This low-calorie drink with a meal, you can easily give up many foods that prevent to lose weight.
Two weeks of this diet and you will definitely see results! Green tea not only help get rid of unwanted pounds, but gradually and stabilizes the digestive process. First you get rid of excess fluid, and only then take up the body burn fat. Another advantage of this diet is that you get used to good nutrition. A vid that is exactly what you need for people seeking to lose weight! This is one of the most effective and, moreover, a very present diets. Sitting on a diet, we lose the weight for 4 days to three pounds! Thanks to the delicious berry – STRAWBERRIES! Nice diet, do not say anything! And useful, to do the same. Pleasant strawberry diet only specific feature: the strawberry grows only at certain times of the year, because only this time you can it use. Hope for the frozen product is not: it is known to lose all its beneficial properties … so we take only the berries fresh. They are delicious, but, oddly enough, the sugar content in them is minimal. Read more about how to lose weight fast for a week to 10 kg
The Norm Of Red Blood Cells
What is the red blood cells? Red blood cells – are cells of human blood, as well as some vertebrates and invertebrates, which contain hemoglobin and carry oxygen transport from lungs to tissues and carbon dioxide from tissues to the lungs. Human red blood cells are biconcave shape, red color and have dimensions of 8.7 microns. The life span of red blood cells ranges from 120 days. Red coloration is caused by red blood cell hemoglobin, which represents the majority of erythrocyte formation of red blood cells eritrotsita.Obrazovanie is in the process of erythropoiesis in the bone marrow, where in the process of proliferation and differentiation of stem bone marrow into the bloodstream within a few hours into a eritrotsit.Funktsii eritrotsitovSamoy main function of red blood cells caused by the hemoglobin contained in them is breathing, that is, carries oxygen from the lungs to the tissues and carbon dioxide from the tissues to legkim.Pitatelnaya. Is conveyed from the amino acids of the digestive system to tkanyam.Fermentativnaya. Red blood cells are involved in enzymatic reactions, because their surfaces are attached to many fermenty.Zaschitnaya.
Red blood cells are able to adsorb toxins and antigens, as well as participate in immune and autoimmune reaktsiyah.Regulyatornaya. Red blood cells help to maintain the acid-base ravnovesiya.Norma red blood cells of human normal blood count is when the number of red blood cells in males is 4.0 * 1012/l-5, 5 * 1012 / l, while Women – 3.5 * 5.0 * 1012 1012/l- / liter. The children in the normal number of red blood cells varies depending on age, which is given in tablitse.VozrastZhenschiny, 10 2/lMuzhchiny, -10 2/lKrov of pupoviny3 ,9-5 ,53,9-5 ,51-3 dnya4 ,0-6 ,64,0-6, 61 ned3 ,9-6 ,33,9-6, 32 "3,6-6,23,6-6,21 mes3 ,0-5 ,43,0-5 42 "2,7-4,92,7-4,93-6" 3,1-4,53,1-4,50,5-2 goda3 ,7-5 ,23,4-5 ,03-12 years of age3 ,5-5 ,03,9-5 ,013-16 "3,5-5,04,1-5,517-19" 3,5-5,03 ,9-5, 6Snizhenie number of red blood cells decrease in number of red blood cells is one of the hallmarks of anemia associated with blood loss, hemolysis, vitamin B12 deficiency outflow of interstitial fluid in the bloodstream decreases otekov.Uvelichenie number of red blood cells As described in the article, the causes of high and low hemoglobin, increased red blood cell counts may be at eritremii and eritrotsitozah.Eritremiya (polycythemia, Vakeza disease), or primary polycythemia – a condition caused by malignant transformation of cells of the dining room of the polypeptide, which starts increased division of progenitor cells erythrocytosis. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Dr. Steven Greer on most websites.
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