Traditional medicine

Tambov Root

In a well-lit sun field, with loose soil, the plant forms small clumps with a large well-developed roots. Unfortunately I found a white cinquefoil was little, I used it as seed. Now the popularity of this plant is huge, people suffering from thyroid problems are many. A tincture of the root of Potentilla White recently began to apply not only to treat these diseases, but also for their prevention. In the adult human thyroid gland weighs 25 – 30 oz.

and depending on various circumstances can increase or decrease. C age of iron decreases, while in areas where water, food lacking in iodine, it can significantly increase. Hormones produced by the thyroid gland have a multifaceted effect on the human body. They regulate the maturation of tissues and organs, thereby determining the activity, growth and metabolism. Thyroid gland, also called youth.

Maintaining its normal state, we extend their youth. Saponin white cinquefoil is a great demand and good price. Hunters of wild white bloodroot every year becomes more and more, will soon find it in wild as it will be impossible. It is not uncommon in the guise of a root Potentilla white roots offer other lapchatok. In the culture of white bloodroot has established itself as a very whimsical plant. Suitable for treating the root of the three plants, but until that age usually do not survive more than one third of the total planted trees. With the same care one plant feels great, and the other languishes and perishes steadily. White cinquefoil seeds reproduce very poorly, it is usually propagated by by dividing the roots, the plants are seated in the fall or early spring. Care is the weeding of weeds and watering during dry days. Use any fertilizer is prohibited. Ground for the white cinquefoil, I try to pick similar to that where he found her wild, good large size of my infield can do it. Harvest the roots of Potentilla white spring during the flowering plants, they woody, brown. Roots dig, thoroughly washed, cut into small pieces, well dried. Most often used to treat the root tincture Potentilla white: 50 grams. Pour 500 ml of the root. vodka and infused for three weeks in a cool dark place, periodic shaking. Drink, not straining, 30 drops three times daily before meals for 30 days. Then make a break for 7-10 days and the medication continues along the same lines, as long as the infusion is complete cinquefoil white. Tincture normalizes the activity of the thyroid gland, enhances the production of red blood cells and white blood cells, lowers cholesterol in the blood, removes radionuclides from the body, increases bile secretion, normalizes intestine, beneficial effects on blood vessel walls, eliminating their fragility, reduces blood pressure. I have a lot of positive feedback from people who have undergone treatment with tincture of the root of Potentilla white. I myself began to grow white bloodroot after my sister was treated with tincture of the root. She has a nodular goiter, and it goes without surgery for 20 years. All those wishing to be happy to render assistance in the acquisition of cinquefoil root tincture white at a price of 500 ml. – 400 rubles. + Shipping (mailed COD payment, the payment upon receipt). Applications sent to: 393 785 Tambov., Michurinsky district, s.Ternovoe Str.

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Friday, April 2nd, 2021 News Comments Off on Tambov Root

Vic Pankova

One of the few of his pupils – Helen, who currently treats people with the most severe forms of disease. Often spoken to those who have lost hope for recovery and generally on the future life. Elena heals in When drugs, traditional medicine can not help. Often people spend many years in trying to find an opportunity to cure diabetes mellitus, chronic hepatitis, heart disease, nerve disease, oncology come to what methods of medicine to cope with them can not. It is in these cases can help the Tibetan-Indian method of treatment based on the transfer of energy healing. Of course, it can not do everyone. For This requires a special gift. If the healer sees that the student has this gift, it can give the student methods of energy treatment, the results of which are simply unique.

In this article we present examples of treating incurable Diseases of the healer's practice, which have been confirmed by medical esearch and show "… Vic Pankova was seriously ill. The poor girl in her twenty years, looked respectable woman for taking a large number of hormones. This is necessary because it was virtually doomed to slow extinction. Lupus – an incurable disease. Immunodeficiency in the body led to the gradual destruction of vital bodies. Vick looked into the eyes of the Healer, and asked: – And I still long to be treated? – He looked at the Vic and, after a pause a few seconds and said simply and quietly: – Now you have absolutely healthy.

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Tuesday, February 9th, 2021 News Comments Off on Vic Pankova

Why Not Add Soy To The Diet

According to the book "Good health for eight weeks," prof. Andrew Weil (Harvard Medical School Graduate, Harvard University and Harvard College) – "soy contains isoflavones, an unusual compounds, which are proven means of protecting the body from cancer. " Moreover, it is useful for reducing women's hormones of animal origin. These hormones are responsible for the rapid change in the fibrocyte mammary glands, and along with the emergence of cancer of the uterus and breast. To improve health must use at least 47 to 60 milligrams of isoflavones a day.

Reduce cholesterol intake. There is a strong correlation between elevated blood cholesterol and cardiovascular disease. Cholesterol is found only in foods of animal origin. Soybeans contain no cholesterol. But soy contains fat, so it is important to use less fat soy products to reduce total fat in the diet. Reduce your consumption of the food chain.

Cereals are grown with the use of chemical fertilizers, animal feed grain, and often hormones. Along with the meat in the food get the chemicals and hormones. Thus, reducing the amount of food the food chain, reduced use of hormones and chemically active substances. These substances are causes of many diseases, including cancer. Soy is a natural source of dietary fiber, which reduces the risk of colon cancer. As a protein source, soy is much cheaper than animal products. Source: – National cuisine Thailand: spicy soup, recipes, fast food, instant soups

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Tuesday, May 1st, 2018 News Comments Off on Why Not Add Soy To The Diet