Archive for January, 2013

Communitarian Center Children

The LBV is of congratulations for the developed work. The children had been magic with the physical space and the developed projects benefiting to the children and famlias' ' , the Quarina teacher standed out. The pupils had liked it exercise solidarity: ' ' I found I work of the legal LBV and we felt me carried through in being able to make this donation, these children we do not have the same luck that. It is good for helping who needs. The LBV still makes this and of the o most important: love and carinho' ' , Bruna Alessandra said de Oliveira Sundays, 9 years, pupil of the school. E, in the words of Isabella Luiza Saints, 9 years, the same satisfaction: ' ' The LBV is an important, very dumb work the life of the children and the parents for better. I felt me when donating the toy and milk proud because thus I feel that I am making a thing certa' '. Maria Ines de Jesus Eloi, collaborator of the LBV, on this day visited the Institution for the first time, was invited by the school to represent the parents.

' ' It was an invitation directed for God because I am magic with this wonderful work of the LBV, to help these children to have a better life. Congratulations! ' ' , the mother of one of the pupils standed out. The children of the LBV had been very happy with the gifts: ' ' I liked it very my gift because with it I can play with my sister and my friends, I very thank the children of the school for presente' ' , the small Isabelle Cristine, 9 years said. Victory Camila, 10 years, completed: ' ' Very obliged for gift, was the gift best of mundo' '. Dphine Souza, 10 years, also was thankful: ' ' I liked it very my gift because with it I can play and now I have a Christmas present. I thank the children of the school for presente' '. In Ipatinga, the Legion of the Good will keeps the Communitarian Center of Social Assistance, located in the Street Patrician Joo of Arajo, 225, Venice I. Other information can be gotten by tel. (31) 3822-8600.


Tuesday, January 15th, 2013 News Comments Off on Communitarian Center Children