Archive for July, 2012

Hair Treatments

Tinea is a fungal infection of the scalp. It can cause small patches of desquamation and some hair loss. Inappropriate Hair Care Many women use chemical treatments on your scalp, such as dyes, tints, bleaches, straighteners and permanent waves. Chemical treatments can damage hair if done incorrectly. The hair becomes weak and breaks when these substances are applied frequently or if left too long, if two procedures are done the same day or if bleach is applied to previously bleached hair.

If hair becomes too porous and dull excess exposure to chemical treatments, it is advisable to discontinue these treatments until the hair to recover. The shampoo, brushing and combing are necessary for proper care of hair, but if done improperly or too much can damage the hair, causing it to break the stem or fraying their tips. You can use a conditioner or shampoo after repair to reduce the force required to comb hair and do so more manageable. When there are broken tips and hair styling difficult, it is advisable to use silicone serums repairers. Excess water should be dried and rubbed briskly with a towel. When hair is wet its structure is more fragile, and should be avoided vigorous combing or brushing. Forget the old recommendation to brush or comb too much, because it damages the hair. Use combs with widely spaced teeth and thin bristle brush, preferably natural (boar bristle brush). The hairstyles that require stress on the hair like curls and braids, should alternated with looser hairstyles to avoid "pull" constant that produces loss of hair, especially on the sides of the scalp.

Saturday, July 21st, 2012 News Comments Off on Hair Treatments