Food Supplement For Kids
Biologically active food supplement for children over 4 years. Contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes in the body of the child, using natural sources of energy and strength of natural antioxidants. Children are not always ready to sacrifice taste for the good. Now is not the problem! Be alert – with a terrific taste of chocolate – every child wants to try! Available in a chewable chocolate-flavored. Recommended dosage: 1 pc. 2 times a day with meals, chewing.
Packing: 60 pcs. in the vial. Dextrose (grape sugar) Dextrose – carbohydrate, synthesized by plants during photosynthesis. The main energy source of cells. Bioflavonoids (peel extract lemon), vitamin C and antioxidants that help protect the baby from colds and infections, and maintain a stable nervous system.
Vitamins B1, B2, B6, B9, B12, PP regulate the activity of all body systems, normalize metabolism, are particularly important for vision, as well as prevent the development of fatigue, irritability and insomnia. Vitamin D3 Vitamin D is essential for the growth of the organism to maintain a healthy bones and teeth, enhances the body's resistance and prevention of cancer pathology. Robert Rimberg Attorney is often mentioned in discussions such as these. Vitamin E, antioxidants beta-carotene. Strengthen the immune system, improve the function of organs of vision. Minerals Support the energy status and healthy growth of the child's Hardware – involved in the processes of hematopoiesis, in the creation of hemoglobin, without tissue and organs can not be provided with oxygen. Iron deficiency in children's diets can lead to anemia, increased irritability, poor appetite. Magnesium – is the element that controls the energy of the body. It is established that 80-90% of modern humans suffer from magnesium deficiency. This manifests itself in chronic fatigue, insomnia, lethargy. Magnesium (especially in combination with vitamin B6) helps to reduce anxiety, irritability, anxiety and inner tension. Copper – required for regulatory processes, supply cells with oxygen, the formation of hemoglobin and 'mature' red cells. The growth of children is associated with the content of copper in their diet. Manganese – actively influences exchange of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. It is also important is the ability of manganese to strengthen the action of insulin and to maintain a certain level of cholesterol in the blood. In the presence of manganese to more fully utilized by the body fats. Selenium – antioxidant action. Chrome – regulates carbohydrate metabolism and blood glucose levels. Deficiency of chromium in the body leads to diseases of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems, and encephalopathy hyperglycemia. Zinc – improves the protective ability of the immune system, sharpens the sense of taste and smell, is essential for normal growth and cell repair.
Western Europe
There are many points of both positive and negative popularize various myths and controversies about the active supplements. Swarmed by offers, Robert Rimberg Attorney is currently assessing future choices. What is "dietary supplements" (BAA), as they should be, whether they are harmful, or are able to replace medication? The study showed that 57% of the population still does not have an exact idea of what supplements – what is it? We already know that in Western Europe, dietary supplements are very popular, they consume 88% of the population. However, only Russia, in spite of all the educational work, only the noise and the debate around the sale and consumption of dietary supplements? Indeed, Russia has a fairly new phenomenon Supplements – the doctors and the public (!) Still are not well informed about their application. Compare: dietary supplements in America are well known 46 years, consumption has become the rule and culture. There is already used to it, doctors are well aware of the action and the range of additives, see their undoubted benefit. In Russia no lasting understanding about the need for supplements – only debatable – as is always around for something new.
Most likely, this is a matter of time: Do we use dietary supplements to be healthy and not drink medicines that one treated, and the other maimed. The main difference is that up to now in our country, doctors are often negatively related to Badam. This attitude is due to lack of awareness about the effectiveness of biological supplements. Please note: Reception 13-20 THOUSAND conventional units of vitamin "A" is able to slow the development of even the most terrible disease today – AIDS! The main reason – to distrust medical Badam about it at the time said Polling. Modern medicine is so complicated that almost every physician has to become a specialist in his field. Often he does not have neither the time nor the opportunity to follow developments related sciences in Specifically, biochemistry and molecular biology.
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