medicine & surgery

Fungal Infection

Why fungi are pathogenic and what you can do against fungal infections a fungal infection is a parasitic disease of the tissue which is caused by fungi. There are dermatophytes (filamentous fungi) fungi and yeasts (Ascomycota). A fungal infection can be superficial, on the skin, under the nails or on the mucous membranes. Is also a systemic infection. Fungal infections occur in humans, animals or plants. This pathogenic fungi penetrate the skin or adhere to the skin. At Dr. Stuart M. McGill you will find additional information.

When the fungus grows, a yeast infection is an infection. The immune system is healthy, the body can fight off the infection and prevent a disease. One speaks then of an inapparent infection of fungus. But a yeast infection occurred, can have the serious consequences. Even death can occur in severe cases. Symptoms of fungal infection can be symptoms of a fungal infection fatigue, skin lesions, itching, headache, drowsiness, or blurred vision.

A fungal infection in the intestine is accompanied by bloating and heartburn. Diarrhea or abdominal pain can be a sign of a fungal infection. Yeast infection causes today more and more people of all ages suffer from a fungal infection. Favours this disease is by too much stress, sugar, nutrient-poor diet, hyperacidity in the body or medication, especially antibiotics. A yeast infection of the skin, hair or nails in people with healthy immune systems triggered mostly by dermatophytes. These can be transferred due to dander. Yeasts also fungal infection may cause a skin disorder by yeasts. This is the candidiasis. An infection caused by Malassezien is also possible. Fungi prefer warm and humid areas of the skin. Fungal infections of the mucous membranes are rare in people with intact immune systems. Fungi of the genus Candida are responsible mostly for such diseases. The Candida fungus is for example copyright of thrush disease or the fungal infection of the genital organs.

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Wednesday, May 29th, 2024 News Comments Off on Fungal Infection

Fit Again Attack

What is asthma and how can you be fit again? Allergy & asthma is a topic with which more and more people have to deal, because more and more are affected. Who asthma unfortunately, which is an inflammation of the respiratory ill, what is caused by an overreaction of the immune system. During an attack, the bronchial tubes constrict and the result is a shortness of breath. There are different ways to become fit again. Asthma is a reaction of the immune system, when the bronchial tissue is inflamed.

Messenger substances such as histamine and leukotriene the muscles will cause to move in together and wander through the mucus production white blood cells in the lung. An asthma attack is favored by stimuli, such as bee pollen, Hausstaubmilden, or even animal dander. But also physical exertion or the inhalation of cold air, it can cause an asthma attack. Furthermore, smoking causes that it favours an asthma attack runs. During an asthma attack, the smooth muscles of the bronchi narrow down. This for to the increased mucus and the concerned parties much more of hard breathing. Asthma can be a disease, which temporarily goes, it can be also a chronic disease. Distinguish one this imperative between an asthmatic early and a late development.

An early reaction shows a high bronchial narrowing, but again formed back in two to three hours. This regression is not, one speaks of a chronic inflammation. In any case affected should consult a doctor, if the above symptoms occur. He can deal with the severity of asthma and prescribe appropriate medications. Also in the pharmacy can inform yourself about allergy & asthma sufferers and various medicines get to become fit again.

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Sunday, June 27th, 2021 News Comments Off on Fit Again Attack

Can More Than Just Glucosamine Joints

High health co-benefits interesting for users several million Germans are affected by painful osteoarthritic changes of joints. Very many of them build for the stabilization of the articular cartilage and to combat the symptoms on natural Chondroprotektiva as they are included in ArtVitum tablets. And for good reason: the Chondroprotektiva Glucosamine and Chondroitin have proven in many studies. You can slow down the wear and tear of articular cartilage and relieve pain as also inflammation in the joint. Also many testimonials from users confirm that. Therefore these Chondroprotektiva be taken by the users usually over many years, as is very often the case for nutritional therapy approaches for osteoarthritis. Now, cancer researchers from the United States have found that long-term consumption of Glucosamine users brings yet another significant advantage.

The Chondroprotektiva Glucosamine and Chondroitin are virtually free of side effects for oral application in the usual doses. The makes it so attractive for a long-term use in people with osteoarthritis as E.g. knee osteoarthritis. American cancer researchers have now delved into a study just such long term users of Glucosamine and Chondroitin to the incidence of cancer. They found that Glucosamine lung cancer significantly could reduce the risk in the 10-year observation period. An excellent additional benefit for all those who need to use because of their osteoarthritis Chondroprotektiva such as Glucosamine. Experimental studies with GlucosaminHCl, as it is used in ArtVitum tablets, confirm the observations made.

Researchers succeeded in with GlucosaminHCl to prevent cancer cell growth. Now the new study results really still not suitable, to raise a new anti-cancer drug from the baptism with Glucosamine. That would be premature. They show that long-term users of this natural Chondroprotektiva do something good not only their joints, but, having also hope a lower risk for certain cancers. With ArtVitum, there is a formula with which many users have made good experience with knee osteoarthritis. It is recommended for the nutritional treatment of osteoarthritis. The dosage of the two natural Glucosamine and Chondroitin is chosen to day exactly the dose of validated in scientific studies in osteoarthritis match taking 2 x 2 small ArtVitum tablets. The tablets are free from sugar, lactose, gluten, and dyes. Artvitum (PZN 4604249) is available in selected health centres, pharmacies, also Internet pharmacies and directly at the company to 29.50 for a month. Due to its special composition and documented dosing, ArtVitum is not interchangeable with other, seemingly similar products. Every pharmacy can order ArtVitum in the cheap 3 month Pack (PZN 0241465) and 6-month Pack (PZN 0241471) without extra effort directly at Navitum Pharma shipping for customers. Can also contact customers directly to the company. Source: Brasky TM, et al. cancer causes control. 2011 Sep;22(9):1333-42. epub 2011 Jun 25; Lamp JW, et al. Toxicol in vitro. 2011 Oct 13 Epub ahead of print contact: Navitum Pharma GmbH Dr. Gerhard Klages at the water tower 29 65207 Wiesbaden Tel: 0611-58939458 FAX: 0611-9505753 E-Mail: Web:

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Sunday, June 27th, 2021 News Comments Off on Can More Than Just Glucosamine Joints

Ute Schwiecker Sigma Rahul

Sun care preparations are a necessary component of the safety concept. Their SPF should be from high altitude to ensure a possible long, safe Sun stay. Go to Barry Collins for more information. In addition, it is sure that their protection through the timely application of new leaves. This is particularly significant for sweat-inducing activities and stays in the water. An essential feature of every means of Sun protection is its sun protection factor. It is a measure for the amount of time in which protected skin can be exposed to sunlight, before it comes to the development of a sunburn. The human skin is according to their genetic type able to withstand sunlight for a certain period of time without damage and redness. A sun protection factor of 25 means that the skin for 25 times can be used from this length of time in the Sun, without suffering harm.

Knowledge of own skin type is thus for the determination of the individually appropriate sun protection preparation very significant. Note it is still that the factor of Sun protection refers to variation of solar radiation only the UV-B. The specification of the protective factor against UV-A radiation is carried out separately and should comply with minimum one-third of the UV-B protection factor. Sun care preparations are available in organic or mineral Variant. Organic preparations use chemicals that move after her into the skin. Is the treated skin is exposed to the sunlight, they turn harmful wavelengths of ultraviolet light into harmless infrared heat radiation.

The ingredients of organic sun protection preparations can trigger allergies in sensitive people. Mineral-based sunscreens use microparticles from minerals that lie as protection of the skin. Its effectiveness is due to the reflection of solar radiation. Higher protection factors mean an increased concentration of mineral particles, giving the skin a in these preparations Pale or white coloring receives, but also continues to receive Sun Tan. The micro-particles do not penetrate the body. For this reason, mineral sunscreens are friendly and generally good as organic products. Many manufacturers use more additives, sunscreen preparations adapted to individual requirements, as Sun allergy, or sports. So the consumer before a barely manageable selection is provided. The Mohren pharmacy offers consumers advice and information for selecting a sunshield, which meets their individual needs. Press information Mohren pharmacy contact: Ute Schwiecker Sigma Rahul str. 4 70567 Stuttgart phone: 0711-71 35 09 fax: 0711-71 97-222 E-Mail: Homepage:

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Sunday, June 27th, 2021 News Comments Off on Ute Schwiecker Sigma Rahul

How To Treat Red Eyes That Pain?

Eye spray and similar products the eyes are among the most sensitive and most delicate organs of our body and must be similarly maintained and conserved. Red eyes and tired eyes are often a dead giveaway. Our lifestyle makes hard but often our eyes. In summer, wear ever fewer people sunglasses with real UV protection but prefer to fall to the low variations that do not even provide basic protection and are been dyed dark only for fashionable purposes. Hours before the TV device, the notebook, the mobile phone and in the cinema, our eyes can tire. (Similarly see: Under Armour). Red eyes start to burn too soon and tears and must be treated.

His eyes you should but at an early age protect, cherish and maintain, because all too quickly, it can happen that you get a serious problem and has to struggle with low vision. Treat to rest their tired and red eyes once and treat to a relaxing spa. No cliche is to put cucumbers on tired eyes But television industry helps actually his eyes to revitalize and fill up with new energies. The aqueous and moist cucumbers give her liquid slowly and gently to the tired eye and have red eyes, calming and relaxing. Treating the eyeball and the IRIS safest with substances from the pharmacy, how artificial tears and ointments you can apply about cooling and liquid-giving eye sprays, eye drops, directly on the inner eye. If at all possible, one should avoid home remedies for use in the eye because the products of the drugstores and pharmacies have been adapted exactly to the flora in the eye. Home remedies are often too highly concentrated and can achieve exactly the opposite of the desired effect. Red eyes are only further claimed and tired eyes can begin to ache.

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Friday, June 25th, 2021 News Comments Off on How To Treat Red Eyes That Pain?

Internet Pharmacy

Time decay and completeness of the current summer catalogue 2009 of the mycare check travel pharmacy – mail order pharmacy is here! In it, find a selection of products that we have compiled for you on 52 pages. By the sunscreen insect protection up to the practical first aid kit for the holidays. Check your travel pharmacy on maturity and completeness. The advantages for mycare – customers are on hand. Top offers with discounts of up to 50% compared to the RRP for nonprescription products (except books), free actions on individual products and a fast reliable delivery. This is confirmed also, which was rated in a current test (05/2009) mycare service champions under the Internet pharmacies. According to testers convinced”mycare due to the successful Internet presence and quality of advice. Loyalty is worth the mycare – austerity program, customers are rewarded for their loyalty by mycare.

Upon reaching various sales levels in the calendar year after the year a bonus of 3% – 5% on over-the-counter (except books) as a loyalty bonus on your account is credited. For more information about the loyalty bonus, on the Web page. The mycare summer catalogue is valid from 01.05.2009 till August 31, 2009. You can order it on the Web page or easily browse on the Internet at onlinekat, and order directly online. About mycare: They mycare – mail order pharmacy is one of the largest mail order pharmacies on the German market. We provide about 500,000 customers promptly and competently with medicines and equipment.

The consistent focus on quality and price led to a strong growth in recent years. We employ about 180 people at the site of Lutherstadt Wittenberg and our quality assurance processes by the TuV according to DIN EN ISO 9001 certified. The certification covers the consulting and the sale of drugs, medical devices and AIDS, cosmetics advice, delivery formulations and the delivery of practical and consultation requirements. Already, Stiftung Warentest (good overall”10/2007) and the Magazine test & buy (test winner 2/2009) have the good quality of mycare tested and confirmed.

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Friday, June 25th, 2021 News Comments Off on Internet Pharmacy

William James

The breathing is not blocked, get in the bowels, entstehenden abdominal sensations/feelings in the chest region and can on the way”with are true, differenziert and finally in gestures, facial expressions, in action UMgesetzt to. “A blocking and flattening the breathing caused a block and BeschranKung the emotions and feelings, so that in their importance as an advisor”, as ressourCE for a seelische Constitution ausGEwogene, a clear perCEPtion and AngeMESSENES act not for the VerfuGung are available. We perceive body States, emotion and feeling when we feel emotions. Feelings are necessary to the Wahrnehmung of the body modified by emotions.(William James) Emotion (emovere: move) (from birth) refers to the experience and the expression of joy, fear, grief, curiosity and anger, later also blame, shame, envy, etc. Every experience, every experience is associated with emotions, every emotion has a certain quality of experience and a motivation for a particular behavior. The evolution has been first then the emotions, with the development of the younger brain structures – the feelings.

Motor for automatic reactions to stimuli that therefore have prevailed on unconscious nature of sicher(te)n an organism’s survival and are emotions. Emotions are temporary Veranderungen in the OrgNISMUS, perceived it with us, so one speaks of feeling. Damasio bezeichnet the Reprasentation of the increasing temporary changes in the Organismus in form neural office and the ideas that verbundenen feeling. 7 The feeling is so perceived not in the body but in the representation of the body schema in the brain. The basis for this perception is created in the mapping of the Korpers in the brain. These cards depict parts of the body and its conditions. My lessons always aims to acquire a verlassliche sensory perception (again) about the touching with the hands, to be aware of body schema and body conditions, formulate, and (again) to create maps in the brain and through the dialogue between the brain and body.

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Friday, April 23rd, 2021 News Comments Off on William James

Problem Case Osteoarthritis

Studies show: natural Chondroprotektiva can strengthen cartilage osteoarthritis is a common problem that can affect all joints. Generally, osteoarthritis is a normal wear phenomenon that can affect anyone with increasing age. It becomes a problem when the joint wear and tear beyond what normal is and can cause pain as inflammation. Then, the operation has disease-worth. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Dr. Neal Barnard by clicking through. The only thing you can do today with osteoarthritis, is to relieve symptoms and to stop wear. For natural Chondroprotektiva (cartilage vaccines) available are in addition to other measures.

A very recent study shows that such cartilage vaccines will actually be enriched in the cartilage. The scientific society EULAR (European League against rheumatism) has already rated in the year 2003 means and measures for the treatment of osteoarthritis (arthrosis). Click Dr. Steven Greer for additional related pages. This gave the two Chondroprotektiva Glucosamine and Chondroitin top reviews. Specifically, structure-modifying properties have been detected in recent research for the Chondroprotektivum chondroitin. This means that this natural substance can improve not only the symptoms, but must slow the wear of the joints.

To do the latter, is one of the preconditions that Chondroitin is actually absorbed into the cartilage scaffold. Because only what on the scene can reinforce directly the cartilage. That was proven recently experimentally by Austrian researchers. The research group could prove that from the outside offered chondroitin accumulates up to its saturation limit in human articular cartilage. Thus, the prerequisite for the effect of chondroitin protective cartilage was proven. In an earlier also experimental study from Germany was already proven, that the effect of chondroitin is strengthened by the joint gift with Glucosamine. It is so useful in everyday application to use both natural substances together against the joint wear. This is equivalent to Moreover, the experience of many users. However, is for the effectiveness of the two natural substances whose daily dose with crucial. In most scientific studies, a dose of 1500 mg GlucosaminHCl and 800 mg of chondroitin sulfate has proved effective. ArtVitum tablets follow this concept. The daily dose optimum for both Chondroprotektiva is realized in the daily intake by 2 x 2 tablets. Thus, the results obtained in intensive research studies to the stabilization of the articular cartilage and reduce pain in osteoarthritis how osteoarthritis can be transferred to ArtVitum. ArtVitum is a supplementary balanced diet that is recommended for the nutritional therapy of osteoarthritis such as osteoarthritis. The tablets are free from sugar, lactose, gluten, and dyes.

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Tuesday, April 6th, 2021 News Comments Off on Problem Case Osteoarthritis

Jet Even

Such a declaration displeasure or even rejection throws the victim sometimes, he sees himself but by the execution that it expires “only” in the head exposed to the risk that you could hold for a malingerers or self-indulgent excess driver. But no real basis in fact that. The pain perception in such a case is not easy to understand must be explained on the basis of brain-physiological knowledge. Until one understands that it is no longer “just” a mechanististisch static problem, but a hard-to-therapierende disease of the central nervous system, even if at the beginning actually a physical problem has been the processes underway. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Dr. Steven Greer. As imaging (fMRI) has shown beyond a reasonable doubt, somatoform pain with increased neural correlate (nervous) electrical activity in the so-called pain matrix of the limbic system, a functional unit of the brain, which is the processing of emotions. This system is not steaming, which explains that back pain does not respond on the basis of a somatoform disorder even opioids with painkillers. Relief by affecting the limbic system is possible through Neurofeedback, a computer-assisted psychotherapy. The procedure, which is already very successfully used in ADHD, autism, tinnitus, stress – and migraine headache and impaired concentration gives an impression of the activation rate of his brain the patient via monitor.

There visible feedback object, such as a Jet, is controlled solely by the will of the subjects by brain, and activation of the specifically desired brainwaves can be the plane rise and fall when disabled. In this way, the patient through a process called “Operant conditioning” in the jargon, learn first the opportunity to influence, and over the course of about 20 sessions even control of the degree of activation of his brain. The procedure is free of side effects and long-lasting success. The somatoform disorder on the basis of a depression or anxiety arose, preferably choosing a different neurobiological process, the so-called repetitive Transcranial Magnetic stimulation. Here, the less active areas of brain activation is stimulated by high-frequency strong magnetic pulses that, created, trigger an increase in activity and therefore increased production of brain neurotransmitters from the outside of the head in circumscribed areas of the brain. The symptoms subside through the normalization of brain metabolism. Peter Tamme pain practice

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Tuesday, April 6th, 2021 News Comments Off on Jet Even


Lounges, sanitary areas, as well as economic areas should complement the u-shaped city. Only nine buildings, an administration building, a hospital, a residential and six semi-detached houses have been completed. After the war lacked clinics. Pastor Siegert and a dedicated Diakonie sister began with the establishment of dispensaries in the city. On November 1, 1945, he opened a hospital named “Great Hall”. Further implementation and expansion of the site took place, so the EWK with 16 buildings was founded in 1947. Once in the Pavilion style built houses were successively modernised in 1963 and adapted to the functional needs. An energy Center, houses for medical staff, a kitchen, a drug store and a laundry Center obtained the buildings between 1968 and 1973 1978 the construction of the Church was completed and the offered fields extended, inter alia to the establishment of radiological, laboratory and the geriatrics.

A steady expansion left the EWK continuously grow and emerge a comprehensive medical center for outpatient and inpatient care. But was thought also to the personal needs of patients and visitors. A newsagent, hairdresser, a cafe, and a library located in the spacious entrance area today. Eight buildings were preserved in the construction style and are today under monumental protection. Departments the departments consist of 8 different hospitals and 12 medical centers. The clinic for anaesthesia and perioperative medicine, interdisciplinary medicine intensive medicine includes a discipline, where mainly the local anesthesia (topical or anaesthesia) for smaller treatments in the outpatient surgery Center, as well as general anesthesia for surgical procedures in the foreground. Also the pain therapy is part of the tasks of the Department of anesthesia, medication to treat pain. The clinic of internal medicine I includes the special areas of Gastroenterology, haematology, Oncology and cardiology. The digestive tract, esophagus, stomach and intestine, pancreas, liver and the biliary tract in gastroenterology or colorectal Center include the treatment of internal organs, treated.

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Tuesday, April 6th, 2021 News Comments Off on Gastroenterology