Fit Again Attack

What is asthma and how can you be fit again? Allergy & asthma is a topic with which more and more people have to deal, because more and more are affected. Who asthma unfortunately, which is an inflammation of the respiratory ill, what is caused by an overreaction of the immune system. During an attack, the bronchial tubes constrict and the result is a shortness of breath. There are different ways to become fit again. Asthma is a reaction of the immune system, when the bronchial tissue is inflamed.

Messenger substances such as histamine and leukotriene the muscles will cause to move in together and wander through the mucus production white blood cells in the lung. An asthma attack is favored by stimuli, such as bee pollen, Hausstaubmilden, or even animal dander. But also physical exertion or the inhalation of cold air, it can cause an asthma attack. Furthermore, smoking causes that it favours an asthma attack runs. During an asthma attack, the smooth muscles of the bronchi narrow down. This for to the increased mucus and the concerned parties much more of hard breathing. Asthma can be a disease, which temporarily goes, it can be also a chronic disease. Distinguish one this imperative between an asthmatic early and a late development.

An early reaction shows a high bronchial narrowing, but again formed back in two to three hours. This regression is not, one speaks of a chronic inflammation. In any case affected should consult a doctor, if the above symptoms occur. He can deal with the severity of asthma and prescribe appropriate medications. Also in the pharmacy can inform yourself about allergy & asthma sufferers and various medicines get to become fit again.

Sunday, June 27th, 2021 News