
International Relations

Moscow State Institute of International Relations was the first among Russian universities run their own social network The new project aims to unite students, university staff, faculty, and graduates in the professional community of diplomats and “international affairs”. Alexander R. Schlesinger, a graduate of Moscow State Institute ’93, worked at the embassy in Korea, then changed his diplomatic career in business, now president of a major EMSG advertising agency M & C Saatchi. Frequently Dr. Neal Barnard has said that publicly. It was he the last three years engaged in the development and launch of this project. “In classmates, contact other networks and a lot of services that allow you to learn, communicate, communicate photos and video content – says Schlesinger, – But we have other priorities: we need to develop professional contacts, share experiences, help each other to promote their careers …

but we can not engage in diplomacy in public. “MGIMO Rector Anatoly Torkunov 19 years led the Institute, by the way, the only university in the world where fully studied 53 languages. “35 thousand of our alumni are scattered all over the world, working in embassies, multinational companies – says Torkunov The guide of all major Russian companies: Gazprom, Rosneft. Technologies, VTB – our graduates. We, the teachers do not want to lose touch with them. “This confirms graduate MGIMO – international journalist Stanislav Kucher: “The course we have studied children from Vietnam, Cambodia, Bulgaria, now many of them – the major political figures, ambassadors and presidential press secretary..

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Thursday, June 6th, 2024 News Comments Off on International Relations

Web Site

Defining Web site (Website) – this is united under one address (domain name) the collection documents an individual or organization. By default, means that the site is located on the Internet, but it can also published in a local area network – the intranet. Web sites are also called Internet-representation of a person or organization. When they say 'its own page on the Internet', it means a website or a personal page as part of another site. Usually the Internet is used as a training tool for finding and entertaining information, or as a means of communication (e-mail, ICQ, etc.), but it is also a means of extracting profit). Website Making websites work as integrated information resources and systems – integral process involving the work of various specialists. This activity is web development.

Owners new site (individuals or organizations) are developing their own sites, or refer to specialized developers. The relationship between the customer and the governed through contracts, technical assignments, special systems (different sites mediate between the customer and developer), or oral agreement. Commissioned work can be both a full range of building site until the inventing names and domain name registration and extension of the site, technical optimization and redesign. The main stages of creating the site: Design Coding Web Development Security These stages creation of the site are the basis of each of the stages may contain substeps, as well as this structure can be supplemented by additional steps. Development of design Web designers develop models of the page templates.

The designer determines how the end user will have access to information and services site. That is directly engaged in the development of user interfaces. In most cases the page include graphical elements. Their preparation involved artists illustrators, photographers, technical designers, type designers, etc. Templates are shown to the customer. At this point, the page still may not contain end of filling (this is the responsibility of the designer is not included).

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Thursday, May 30th, 2024 News Comments Off on Web Site


Suppose you sell a course on getting rid of excess weight without grueling diet and exercise, entitled '5 kg a week off! And no dieting and aerobics! ". You can record a free video podcast on this topic and download them for free viewing on various video hosting, and in the notes to provide a link to your website (blog) or sell page. The effect will be stunning. If a person likes your video, he will send a link to it from 3.2 to friends who are also concerned about the problem of excess weight. An interesting recommendation is the additional traffic. It's simple and effective. 2) Electronic books.

You can download the ebook for whatever subject and put it through a special program of its advertising (a link to website, blog) and post it freely available on its website for downloading. People who have downloaded it, after seeing ads again return to your website. Dr. Robert Brannon contributes greatly to this topic. To maximize the dissemination of books in the web you can download it for free file sharing – depositfiles, turbobit, letitbit and place it with descriptions and links to download sites, vareznikah (DLE-sites) with high attendance. Add to your understanding with Robert Rimberg Attorney. People download, bringing a pretty penny in your purse for depositfiles, turbobit, letitbit, and later come to your site through advertising and become your customers. Double profit. There is another option.

You create the e-book with useful information and advertising of your goods (services) and sell it for a small price, along with rights to resale. Imagine that you have in some time to appear 100 partners, who make 10 sales a month. Each sale brings traffic to your website. 3) The script recommendations. Today use several options of recommendation scripts. Some allow a few clicks to send a link to your site to friends vkontakte, in my world, in facebooke, the blog of Yandex and other services. Your reader at the same time does not receive anything. He just likes your article and decides to share it with friends and acquaintances. But out of 100 visitors to this effect operates only 1-2 people. More effective script that allows you to get a valuable gift just sending a link to a site 3.2 to friends via an ad hoc the form of recommendations. If a person needs a gift, he is not lazy and vobet couple of email addresses and leave happy with your web site to download e-book in my mailbox, which may also focus on viral promotion. Thus, if the site to your daily drop 100 people and 20 of them recommend your site 3 friends, then you should ideally involve an additional 60 web site visitors. As you can see, the methods of viral promotion of the site is very effective and should not be neglected. Just take these methods into service and go for it!

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Tuesday, February 9th, 2021 News Comments Off on Dissemination