Feng Shui Kitchen
In Feng Shui it is believed that food should be placed in a disadvantaged sector for the head of the family, according to the number of gua. Since cooking creates a very strong energy that could affect not the best way to success rights. When placing the food in the Gaza birth chi man, a man can lose everything, popularity, money, miscarriage can occur. If it is located in the health sector, the people will lose health, it will always feel tired and exhausted. If a kitchen in the sector with people, then people will have problems with marriage, while married couples will have problems in relationships, and relations with other people surrounding the person may be compromised. Provided that the kitchen is located in the sector of personal development, people will be poor, and he will be absent at all good luck in whatever it work. The location of the kitchen in bad sectors, just helps to ensure that a person had good luck. So if a kitchen in the sector five spirits, the person will have good luck and health will be strong.
Kitchen in sector of the six killers attracted to a man much luck. A kitchen in setkore misfortune, the person avoids gossip and losing money. In the sector of total collapse is also possible to arrange the kitchen, it saves the person from all the problems and unhappiness and strengthen his health. There is also a feng shui is one rule and it states: "you can not put the fire from the Heaven's Gate" Heaven's Gate is the north-western sector. In this sector, absolutely can not have a fire, it implies a strong disease, and unhappiness. But if you can not move the kitchen from the sector, it is necessary in this sector to put the vase at least 45 cm and a diameter of at least 30 cm filled with water. The element of water controlled by the fire kitchen stoves, reducing the risk of fatalities on the location of the fire at the "Heaven's Gate." Stove in the kitchen needs to be attached by the head of the family-friendly. Then he will receive positive energy in each meal.
The same concerns the connection of an electric kettle and other household electrical appliances in the kitchen. Can be divided, some devices draw party to the grid in a favorable direction for the head of the family, as part of for other family members. Dr. Robert Brannon may not feel the same. Thus, each family member will be with eating absorb energy which brings him luck. It is also important that the oven door has been turned into a favorable direction for the family breadwinner. Can not have a number of ryakovinu and plate, or a refrigerator and stove, as this creates a conflict of elements (sink, refrigerator, dishwasher) and water (plate) of fire. Plate should be placed in the northwest corner of the kitchen. Open shelves have the ability to "cut" energy, so it is desirable that the kitchen was, cabinets with doors. Colors for the kitchen should match the sector where the kitchen is located. Northeast, southwest, west – all shades brown. South-east, east, north – dark blue and black. South-east, east, south – green. North, west, white, white, gold, silver. Red is the color of fire and is not recommended for use in the kitchen. It is important not leave the kitchen dirty dishes and leftovers, as it creates negative energy in the kitchen.
January Winter
It is therefore desirable BEFORE: check the status of his health and, if wanted, to heal; be sure to visit the dentist; a good rest (optimally – a vacation is not on the couch and outdoors); 'engage' with different hazards (smoking, drinking strong drinks, vigils in front of TV); to limit contact with household cleaning and the use of pharmacological agents; limit the number of sexual activity. Many worries during the year, month, or even a particular day. What about the day I can not say (it's better to check with astrology), and in relation to the time of year I note the following. The maximum health of specific person has to fall (September-October): sufficient amount of fresh fruits and vegetables, summer holidays (sun, air, water, exercise). , – organize hardening ahead of winter (may be harder to overheat). Again, very well when the first six months of life accounts for the winter months – still in effect inherited from the mother's immunity to many viruses therefore, considerably less likely to get sick. The logic, most likely, is that in the absence of the parents of serious health problems conceiving should plan for January and February, in order to give birth in autumn.
Well if health is not ok – 'make' a child in the fall. Special issue – the age of the future mother. It is clear that in 18 years you'll be big trouble, than in 35.
Alex Chekmarev
Strive for it. Efforts and will succeed. Ronaldo would never become a good player if it had not dreamed about it! True or False? Think! The next stage – it saves the family budget. Need to know how and than to save on their expenses. How to reduce them. Look! This does not mean you have to give up buying basic things! I'm talking only about the rejection of unnecessary purchases, rather than about the hunger strike and ! Everything to do with the mind. In his letters, for example, my visitors, friends wonder how you can save on food? I'm not saying you have to give up delicious food! Just all know that people spend money first, absorbing all sorts of rubbish in large quantities. And then spend even more than that to lose weight! And so the circle! Save on food costs! Otherwise, why do not you eat tablespoons red caviar? Thirdly, we must set aside their savings.
Stash saved. If you do not set aside the money saved, they will eat inflation, or do you eventually spend it himself. To do this, set aside the money saved. First, as paradoxical as it may sound, in a stocking. Dr. stuart mcgill oftentimes addresses this issue. Under the mattress. In piggy bank.
As long as your money will not grow to such an extent that they could to invest, opening a bank account, investing in their own business. That is, you have to do so, what would your money do not lie dead weight, and worked on you! Where have you seen that would be a millionaire to keep their money under the mattress? It puts them at a profit for yourself! They are working on it. Attract new money. Likewise, you will have to invest their savings with profitably. For example, buying real estate (apartments, garages, plots, etc.), make a bank multi-currency deposits, deposits in mutual funds, etc. And the most important is your contribution – it's insurance on your life and health. If you do not God forbid, not and their future and ability to work forever, or lose their main source of income. In the form of its core operations. Who do you give money? And if you , then, good use of the insurance compensation, still get their main source of dohoda.Esli you really think about their future. If you need practical advice, not theoretical tyagomotina. If you have the desire, then we're able to get acquainted. You tell me about myself, but I tell you about yourself. The choice is yours! Login here See you soon! Alex Chekmarev.
Cold winter evenings sitting in comfortable chairs in the shade the room, lit only by candles set in carved candlestick, so nice to sip hot tea and reminisce! As already mentioned, cedar – a symbol of health and longevity. It is not surprising that it is used in many branches of traditional and alternative medicine. Very often, such as those and others, use cedar aromatic oils. You too can take note and take care of health relatives. Assemble a great set and presented it as a gift. There may include an aromatic oil, oil burner with a candle, massage cream, balm hair loss and things like that. Oil burner – it is adaptation of the candles and strengthened over her small cup. This cup is assumed to drip any oil, and then light a candle.
The oil gradually evaporates, filling the room with aroma. If as a butter use cedar, a few drops (7-10) will help to eliminate nervousness, confusion, order “broken” the flow of thoughts. If the drip a few drops of the oil in boiling water, then do it over the inhalation, then You will be much easier to get rid of the cough to stop inflammation of nasopharynx and respiratory diseases. But do not stop the healing properties of cedar! Cedar oil also prevents hair loss and dandruff, removes and blemishes on the skin, stops the various inflammatory processes. In order to achieve this effect, you need to add cedar oil in those beauty products that you use (creams, shampoos and so on). Estimated proportion: 5 drops per 15 grams of the base. Cedar oil can be added to baths, used in saunas and bathhouses, mixed with massage creams and oils.
Traditional healers and witch doctors made from cedar various pendants and amulets, masseurs and even pillows. Media amulets made of cedar is distinguished probity, integrity, willpower and dedication. Tumblers may be different, but mostly used spherical. With this ball is made of cedar stimulation of the areas that has a therapeutic and preventive action. Have appeared even scientific evidence that fragrances conifers irreplaceable and unique. If you are tormented by insomnia, poor memory, migraine, colds, nervous exhaustion and high blood pressure – put bedside bag of cedar, and even better to use a special cedar pillow. Cedar wood is not only beautiful but also possesses exceptional healing properties. Therefore, no matter what gift you decide to choose, it will prove useful in any home.
The Worm
However, her situation is further complicated by the fact that, having trained his displays of emotion and demonstrating their virtue by example, adults do not hurry to recognize the right of children to respond to insults older, just as they themselves react to the behavior of children or other people. Moreover, the sowing in a child, these emotions Adults often need to begin immediately to suppress them, persuading kids that this is called a ‘good behavior’. Think about it. Repressed anger as it freezes in a person being unable to either leave it, nor encourage in any – any action. This frozen, unexpressed anger and neprogovorenny erects in the relationship between people invisible walls, which then destroy the relationship. Techy person is unable to effectively counter in a situation where affected his vital area. In addition, he dwells in the illusion that this is happening with him – for his own disability or ill-will of another person. Itself as a strong form of suppression of anger is hatred. Dr. stuart mcgill insists that this is the case.
It occurs in people who are no longer able to accumulate their grievances and the need for external equipment to unload them. If in your heart, your heart, have a lot of resentment, Try these exercises. Purpose: Awareness of internal grievances, freedom from it. If you change the word “resentment”, will “obidchervost” that is, for a moment imagine that holding a grudge you wear inside the worm, which saps you of nutria. To get rid of internal grievances, but rather from your inner worm, do this exercise.
Peg Stroller
A "hood" for this seat – tilt over a sidecar (or pleasure-seat), which protects the baby from the sun and the weather – you can easily be moved to it from the cradle Peg-Perego, from which the baby has grown up Well, and what is not an option, eh? As you can see – from Peg-Perego all unified, practical and convenient. It only remains to add that the store Barabum always represented a good range of strollers from this manufacturer, and working there are always sales consultants. One of the latest (and most successful!) Models of firm chicco – 3-wheel stroller S-3. It is characterized by an exclusive design, unique style, perfected functionality, as well as safety and comfort for you and your baby. Complete S-3 srupulezno thoughtful and convenient – an easy stroller – with an exclusive system chicco Clik Clak – quickly and reliably establish a cradle for a newborn or a car seat for your baby travel in the car (frame in this case easily fits in the trunk). In Also included is a stylish backpack for baby accessories. The combined system kikko S-3 – is the freedom of movement with your child during the first three years of his life. Add a few points in the evaluation of this stroller the fact that it also includes: system, which does not allow moisture to accumulate, anti-shock system, buff system Comfort, allowing external adjustment of the child, and even – disc Brake! Ultimately, the choice of the first vehicle for your baby depends on the circumstances in which you live (since the stroller should be easy to fit in the elevator, the hallway or in the car), the size of your income, as well – your personal tastes and wishes. Staff specialized shop Barabum always try to meet these three conditions are daily put their customers – and, with rare exceptions, it is quite possible! But whatever model of wheelchairs you in the end have chosen – you can be sure of one thing: any stroller, purchased in-store Barabum – it soundly, secure and practical thing, which corresponds to the same, the most stringent international standards security.
Correct Location Of The Bed According To Feng Shui
Not everyone knows how to bed in the bedroom. In order to maintain a positive energy in your bedroom, you must consider all the pros and cons. 1. Do not place your bed so that his feet were in front of the door, this location attracts negative energy. 2. Also not beneficial to put the bed pillows to the window.
With this placement of the bed, sleeping people experience discomfort due to lack of support "Wall." If options are not so much, and you still decided to put the bed to the window, then put the bed is not close to the window to air flow did not fall on your head, and always make sure that the window at night was curtained with thick curtains. 3. Place the bed headboard to the wall, this location will give you a sense of calm and security. 4. Beds should not be placed between the window and door, there will be an active movement of energy that interfere with healthy sleep. 5. If on my bed you're sleeping with his half, then consider that a positive Feng Shui approach to the bed from both sides. Feng Shui Consultant Anastasia in 2010.
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