

Carlos Mora Vanegas the world is full of small joys; the art is knowing distinguish them Li Po cultivate gratitude is a great step towards our personal growth, already with this we generate actions that allow us to eliminate negative pollutions which affect us, as resentment, hatred, anger, envy, by mentioning some and give way to gratitude, appreciation, affection, noble sentiments, best virtues that allow us to be every day. Since then, each who has its way, way of expressing gratitude, give him chance that dips, express it with its full potential. Some teachers, like Morya, tells us about her, that there is no individual so poor in spirit or substance which can not honestly find something so be grateful. Cultivating the sense of gratitude towards the elements that will serve (water, air, Earth, sunlight) changes the vibratory action of your personal world and opens the doors of his soul to the Supreme source that has provided him with life, intelligence, and be Hilarion about us indicates: that gratitude is a feeling that changes the quality of vibration and creates light and harmony in the aura. It is not enough to be grateful with the mind. One consciously try to be grateful with feelings, where major portion of personal energies of the individual are qualified.

A grateful heart creates a happy mind, a healthy body and increases the Luz de el Mundo., for his part, says, that gratitude opens the door to a science and knowledge above. A stemming Act of gratitude is always beneficial and beautiful… Raul Cortes tells us about her gratitude changes our way of looking at life and consider us themselves. Difficult situations that at another time we were unbearable and seemed unalterable are transformed. Much more gratitude set in our minds when we receive good things, receive more good things and will continue coming more quickly.

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Saturday, June 1st, 2024 News Comments Off on Beautiful

Latin America

The certain thing that for Lechner, Latin America must put to the offensive of the changes, fomenting the free circulation of ideas and placing to the national cultural production in the international circuit. But to insert the national in the global thing returns to us to place in the subject of the promotion to the national cultural production. And exactly, the problem of the globalisation is that the national, by itself, does not penetrate in the international market massive and absorbed by the outsider, since unequal structures of cultural interchange at world-wide level exist Is necessary to take into account the words from the Garci’as Canclini (Consuming and citizen; Multicultural conflicts of the globalisation: Ed. Grijalbo, Mexico, 1995), of which in the cultural area, in spite of the multiplication of integrating organisms from the Fifties (OAS, Cepal; ALALC, etc) not even we have managed to establish between the countries of Latin America the lasting forms of collaboration and reciprocal knowledge. It continues being almost impossible to find Central American books in Montevideo, Bogota, Venezuela or Mexico.

We found out by the agencies of the American news, that Argentine, Brazilian and Mexican films gain prizes in international festivales, but that nonaid to that their images cross the continent. Our musical publications, films and works enter so little and so badly Europe and North America like our steel, cereals, crafts. In synthesis, which is considering is that existing a commercial disadvantage, we have not assumed it, nor we have tried to resist it by the route of cultural integration. For this reason, we run the risk totally of being invaded by the foreign cultural goods, which is not bad in himself, but it is it in the measurement that annuls ours. Educational of postgraduate UC. Program Management of the Quality and productivity.

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Thursday, February 13th, 2014 News Comments Off on Latin America