Abraham Maslow
Jung viewed the unconscious as “a creative and intelligent principle, which linked the individual with the whole of mankind, nature and the whole cosmos. Click dr. stuart mcgill for additional related pages. “Besides the existence of the individual unconscious” discovered “by Freud, Jung postulated the existence of a collective unconscious shared by all mankind. Dr. Steven Greer understood the implications. For Jung, beyond cultural constraints that define their forms of manifestation, spirituality is a principle intrinsic to the human psyche. On the other side of the ocean, Abraham Maslow was one of the first researchers interested in studying the psychology of beings more “advanced” has given the history of mankind. What interested him was to examine the more psychologically healthy people, of course, a rare minority which included Christ and the mystics of different cultures. Frequently Robert Rimberg lawyer has said that publicly. What inferred, after thoroughly studying the lives of these men “enlightened” was that they had put their identity and enclosed in his person, his ego, in its history. They had a wider sense of identity that went beyond his personality, an identity “transpersonal.” His identity extending toward a communion with the totality of the phenomena, with all beings. Something, of course, very difficult to understand, for most of us, and therefore, psychologists, especially Westerners, tend to either ignore these phenomena, described as pathological to such mystical experiences.
Maslow became interested in the study which he called “peak experiences” suggesting that those experiences may be supernormal rather than subnormal. Such experiences of fullness that many people have experienced if only for a moment, can be an indicator of human potential is perhaps the most learned of the theories on the transpersonal. His developments are too extensive to that letter and the board with the expansion they deserve another chance. Just here to point out that being a distinguished scholar of both Western and Eastern psychology, concludes that spirituality and religiosity are characteristic of the human psyche, but is concerned differentiate the esoteric exoteric religion. “The exoteric or external religion is a religion of myth, religion terribly concrete and literal, he believes, for example, that Moses parted the Red Sea, that Christ was born of a virgin, that the world was created in six days. .. that the earth rests on the back of an elephant and it, in turn, rests on a turtle resting on a snake …
That’s the exoteric religions, a set of belief systems that attempt to explain the mysteries the world in mythic terms rather than in terms of direct experience or evidence. ” This is the religion that Freud and other researchers have associated reasonably with mythical thinking fixings. When it comes to religion, psychology and spirituality are thinking about such beliefs and rarely makes a distinction between the exoteric and the esoteric. * References Descamps, Alfille, Nicolescu, what is the transpersonal?
Emotional Awareness
A good manager must handle well the gift of feedback. How to give and receive criticism is important in determining how satisfied people are with their work. He detailed some advantages: – Improved communication and interpersonal relations among members of the company and customers. – The motivation and leadership of the worker. – People feel more engaged in their daily tasks. – It works on a quiet working environment, where everyone understood and respected their views. – Promoted the profitability of the company.
People with emotional awareness are: Those who know what emotions they experience and why. The perceived links between their feelings and what they think they do or say. Those who recognize what effect have these feelings about their performance. Those who know their values and goals, and guided by them. The successful training of a company to improve their emotional intelligence has the following lines: Assessing work: Training should focus on the skills most needed to excel in a job or given job. Assess the individual: You must use a profile of strengths and weaknesses of the individual, to identify what needs improvement. Communicate assessments with caution: The information about the strengths and weaknesses of a person carries an emotional charge. Measuring the provision: Not all people are at the same level of provision. Reason: People learn in so far as you are motivated, for example, if you understand that fitness is important to run a good job and if this ability makes a personal goal of change.
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