Physical Exercise

The physical exercise is considered a therapeutical modality in the DG in women who do not present any medical or obsttrica contraindication for practical its. (JOVANOVIC-PETERSON and PETERSON, 1991). A program of adjusted physical exercise is, therefore, considered therapeutical adjuvant insurance for the DG. dge. The physical activity will have to be advised, privileging, over all the one that involves the muscles of the superior part of the trunk, with exercises that do not provoke stress mechanic to this level. Further details can be found at dr. steven greer, an internet resource. The daily march must be stimulated. Without hesitation Dr. Robert Brannon explained all about the problem. The trainings cardiovascular of the superior part of the body improve the glicmico control in women dealt only with diet.

(JOVANOVIC-PETERSON, DURAK and PETERSON, 1989). Ahead of the displayed one and the consideraes presented until the moment, it is important to stand out on some complications that to occur in a diabetic person, as hipoglicemia crises, where the sanguineous glucose level becomes abnormally low (50 the 60 mg/dl) had the great amount of insulina or hipoglicemiantes agents, little food or extreme physical activity; cetoacidose diabetic, caused for the insulina absence, being able to vary the glucose levels in the blood (300 the 800 ml/dl), causing dehydration, loss of electrolytes and acidose; hiperglicmica syndrome to hiperosmolar not cettica, where the insulina lack occurs effectively, causing in the person attack hipotenso, deep dehydration, neurological taquicardia and signals (alteration of the sensrio, convulsions, hemiparesia), without presenting cetoacidose and without to suffer gastrointestinal symptoms. if the illness to progress or to advance very, can be acometer structures that can cause functional incapacity with the peripheral and ocular neuropatias, being able to cause blindness and amputations of members, in case that it does not arrive first at the death. FINAL CONSIDERAES Although all the controversies as for the tracing and diagnosis of the DG, exist a consensus on the necessity of glicmico control pressed (with diet and, eventually, insulinoterapia) to improve the prognostic.

Tuesday, February 2nd, 2021 News