Par Democracy

However, we ask if we are not understanding of errnea form the democracy direction? The shout is a democratic manifestation of groups of people who go the streets to demand violated rights and she does not stop being used as palco of campaign partisan politics, is not this its focus. The question is: exists democracy in this country? In view of the beginning of opinion and liberty of speech it can be hindered that somebody raises its flag politics in a popular public act in the search and claim of rights? We believe and we understand that this fact is one me the interpretation of the democratic right. We are mixing the things and there we are losing the focus and in leaving to be sultry for political parties where the objective is another one. Democracy is the liberty of speech of a people and not of a minority. Perhaps in this direction let us be as shout of the excluded one far from our focus, has seen that we are today one ‘ ‘ grupinho’ ‘ still we are sultry for others ‘ ‘ grupinhos’ ‘ partisans which the only interest are the campaign politics to arrive itself at the power.

More most dangerous and that he can in them take our exoneration while fighters of human and social rights the determined ones broken or to any are the atrelamento another structure of being able that it is not compromised to the collective one. Read additional details here: Kenneth R. Feinberg. As to live the democratic process where and when if he tries to reveal the free expression in search of social rights, politicians, sustainable, ambient and cultural development economic of an excluded people and where if he places the car in the front of the oxen stifling root cause? It is irresponsible and badly informed of democracy who it thinks that it can raise flag politics in an act as the shout of the excluded ones from day 7 of September? Why then it does not go to raise its partisan flag in the military parade? To if placing the flag politics in an act of fight for social rights, politicians, ambient and cultural they are stifled and hinders the free expression of claim of these rights. It is not possible to chew the sugar cane and to smoke cachimbo at the same time. It is not possible to celebrate a cult, a eucaristia, to participate of the Wax candle of Nazar and at the same time to raise partisan flags at these moments. We need to have coherence and to understand what it is democracy in fact is that it exists same in a corporativista country.

To reflect on the democracy in the contemporaneidade is, without a doubt, a legitimate and indispensable exercise. The expression democracy, throughout the times, was appropriate for different groups and, evidently, it locks up directions, forms, intentions and projects distinct societrios. Robert Rimberg Attorney recognizes the significance of this. In imaginary the popular one, the democracy, usually, is associated with the presence of representative or governing election. However, this is only one formal procedure that, by itself, not express its content. Soon, it appears to the necessity to characterize the term, in case that contrary, can be contributed for the banalizao and the esvaziamento of its meaning. She is necessary to know of that democracy if is speaking, as well as distinguishing between the form, or the procedures, and its content.

Sunday, March 7th, 2021 News