Mannheim July Aid

Three Essen publishers protect your employees now with the SafeTIC DOC Mannheim July 2012: recently, the editors of the magazines EUROPEAN are equipped HOSPITAL, GW and FACTS with the automatic defibrillator system DOC the SafeTIC AG and the employees are ideally equipped for the case that a colleague suffers a heart attack. Already during the installation of the DOC, the FACTS editorial staff was fully convinced and professionally prepared for possible emergency situations. Workforce is the FACTS alone by profession interested and open to new. After DOC has been reported about the SafeTIC in the March issue of the magazine, it was decided therefore, to install the device in the own editorial rooms. Employees of the same building-based publishers EUROPEAN HOSPITAL and GW was the DOC also provide. That the SafeTIC DOC provides an important contribution to first aid for heart attack, was already clear the FACTS employees due to research her article.

What the editorial staff is also convinced: during installation was not only a thorough training, but also an effective first aid short training for all employees. The installation was completed within a short time. The technician screwed the system on the wall and ready made the activation of the built-in phone in order to connect to the nearest PSAP. A service package that ensures the safety and maintenance of the device is included in the price. The DOC is basically taken barely explained, just so he can be applied. Still, Sure a detailed application training to the SafeTIC service is safe, and therefore belongs. FACTS staff were even particularly eager and immediately opened the door of the DOC and prompt the fire brigade rescue station enlisted.

The false alarm but bothered anyone: the Fire Department was delighted that an another DOC has been installed, and the FACTS team got directly performed the fast operation of the instrument. The SafeTIC DOC works without external power supply. Both a phone and a diagnostic function are integrated in the device. If the latter Herzflimmern recognizes, electric shock to revive are activated immediately. This function provides first aid, without trained rescue personnel must be present. Nevertheless, it is important, of course, that despite effective first aid as soon as possible, medical personnel arrives to take over the more supply. Therefore the rescue forces be alerted immediately after opening the DOC automatically. About SafeTIC AG as the only European company SafeTIC AG fingerprint and finger morphology detection systems specializes in. SafeTIC is the European No 1 in the area of enterprise security as a manufacturer of biometric readers and providers of Europe most installed biometric access controls. Also, SafeTIC is the market leader in biometrics and Visio mobility. The SafeTIC AG is represented in the entire value chain of security systems. In Europe alone has the SafeTic AG about 15,000 customers.