study via distance learning

Family Friendly Lifestyle

Moderators of the portal of distance learning () give tips to the distance learning with child a firm timetable with compulsory attendance and events in the early evening problematic, if you have to pick up the child at 16.00 from the Kita. The study organization takes hardly regard the time structures of students with children\”, the current social survey of the German Student Union. As a result, Do not often visit courses. More than one in three studied on a part-time basis. However, only two percent of the courses that are aligned. A correspondence course is more flexible than a study of presence and this family-friendly\”, says Markus Jung, owner of the portal of distance learning,, that provides information about more than 350 distance learning course at over 100 universities. But also distance learners must organize well the study with child.\” With child full-time study Ines Peters, 29, studied mathematics at the University of British Open University 40-50 hours per week. Her husband brings in the three-year son of Maximilian Way to work in the Kita.

The two afternoon home, family time is\”, says Peters. When Maximilian is located in the bed, it goes back to the desk for his mother. On average every three weeks the student sends a task to their tutor for England. She writes her exams at the partner University in Hamburg, where she can view documents and consult. \”The tutors of the Open University betreuen students over long periods of time: so they know our progress and give helpful tips\”, Peters finds. It comes them, to bring the STUdenten preferably well through the trials, unlike some presence of universities, where rather will be screened.\” In the autumn, Peters travels to England: there they solve mathematische in an intensive seminar week in a team with others. Such dates are fixed early. During this time my husband on a business trip may go or the in-laws are here,\”says Peters.

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