
The Answer

Total cost of renting rooms have already reached 5,650 rubles. Landlords are also aware that the rooms need to be repaired at least once every 5 years, respectively, at a cost of cosmetic Repair of 25000 output plus 400 rubles a month. Here just need to add on bathroom fixtures, unforeseen costs associated with maintenance of housing at least rur 300 per month. Thus, the sum was 6,350 rubles. At an average price of rent rooms in Moscow, 10000 rubles out that the owner of the room "earns" an average of 3750 rubles per month.

A lot or a little, to give an accurate assessment is difficult. One thing for sure – amass a lot of money from the owner will not leave the room. Almost the same situation with the lease of small Apartments – housing and communal services and municipal services, as well as depreciation and repairs. Of course, at a cost of one-bedroom apartment $ 1000 per month salary increase, but how he justified? Take, for example, the cost of housing in cities of the middle part of Russia. It's there now is considerably less than in Moscow or Novosibirsk. But the climate there are many times better than here, and the cost of food basket is much lower. Probably already know everything about in central Russia in the summer do not know what to do with apples and give them to animal feed, but in Moscow as they are sold for 100 rubles per kilogram. On the background exacerbated the housing shortage, new black brokers who have there is always a "spare variantik, but we consider them in this article shall not, as the site has been repeatedly warned users about possible fraud. What do tenants in this situation? The answer is obvious and simple – to rent an apartment for long term and to establish with the owners of a simple and trusting relationship, because prices would rise further, but the long-term lease owners are always on the assignment – we are all humans and we want to live in world.


Monday, May 10th, 2021 News Comments Off on The Answer

Distant Property Management

Holding “Miel” is among the largest Russian companies (238 locations and RA “Expert” and 131 place among the largest private companies on the magazine FORBES). Holding “Miel” four times honored with the title of “Superbrand”, awarded by the independent Expert Council on the basis of fame, reputation and business of the company. According to 2007 Holding the winner, the prize HR-Brand” in the category “Construction and real estate,” the successful work of his reputation as an employer. As part of its activities are carried Holding more than ten companies key of which is: “MIEL-Rent,” “Analytical and Consulting Center Miel”, “MIEL-Brokerage,” “MIEL-Residential Real Estate,” “MIEL-investment in the region,” “MIEL-Commercial Real Estate” “MIEL-New”, “Miel Franchise” project Distant Property Management (remote control property”), and others. Today, “Miel” is the largest partner of the leading Russian banks, and its successful projects occupy a significant place in Russian business and society. “MIEL-Brokerage” – the largest holding company “MIEL” service-oriented business format. The company is a leading operator in the secondary market and the city suburban residential real estate and mortgage brokerage industry leader. The company was founded in 2005.

At present, specialists of the Company have a full range of real estate and brokerage services in the city and the regular suburban real estate markets. Partnerships with more than 30 banks can offer customers access to significant preferences in obtaining mortgages to buy real estate. St. Petersburg office holding “Miel” – winner of the Inter-regional annual competition in real estate “Kaissa 2005” and “Kaissa 2006” in nomination “For contribution to the development of advanced technologies in the real estate market of St. Petersburg and Leningrad region. ” Winner of the first all-Russia contest “The best mortgage broker” in the category “Most technology company.” KMB-Bank, the bank group “Intesa Sanpaolo” – dynamically developing bank, operates in lending to small businesses since 1999. The Bank holds a leading position in lending to SMEs and has an extensive regional network – from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok.

In 25 regions of Russia is now working more than 60 offices of the Bank. In the published authoritative Russian agency “Expert RA” the ranking of banks in 2007 by volume of loans granted to small and medium businesses in Russia in 2007, KMB-BANK took 4th place. According to the 30.06.2008, the total KMB-BANK portfolio totaled 46.371 billion rubles. The loan portfolio of products for small and medium enterprises was 41.582 billion rubles. The volume of the leasing portfolio amounted to 2.303 billion authorized capital stock of the Bank exceeds 3.237182 billion rubles. Increase capital was the result of KMB-BANK in the group “Intesa Sanpaolo”. Today, “Intesa Sanpaolo” is the fourth largest in the euro area in terms of market capitalization – more than 46.1 billion euros.

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Sunday, May 9th, 2021 News Comments Off on Distant Property Management

Russian Federation

Holiday homes in cottage settlements are becoming increasingly attractive in the eyes of the inhabitants of Moscow, compared with the usual metropolitan condominium. A growing number of Muscovites who have financial opportunity to try to improve their living conditions in different ways. Today, an increasing number of wealthy Muscovites chooses to live an elite cottage settlement. Quality of life is much higher than in individual country house. Elite and the respectability of the village is made up of many components.

Of course, he should be comfortable cottage accommodation, built from environmentally friendly quality building material to the mark. The new housing estate is created in a single architectural style, and, as a rule, each luxury home is built on an individual project. In addition to the house itself, important value and comfort of household plot. In each village elite suburban necessarily the presence of highly professional. It must be remembered that the protection of elite settlements danger to life is reduced to a minimum. Calm for the safety of loved ones and property – an important factor in a comfortable stay.

Good transport accessibility – another essential component. For modern life overriding the components that are paid attention – this is the availability of infrastructure and world-class communication. Elite cottage settlement must include the service industry and a highly developed infrastructure: parking, space for walks and recreation, medical facilities, children’s and sports playgrounds, cafes and snack bars, swimming pools and playgrounds. The closer to the boundary of Ring Road is a new gated development, the higher the level of its infrastructure. Order and calm on the streets of the village and cottage in recreation areas, uninterrupted operation of all communications services guarantee performance. Beautiful clean lake or river, beautiful surroundings, nezasorenny forest – But in what area should be located elite country village. One of the most prestigious areas of elite construction – the southwest – as time and has a great environmental area, many forest arrays, lakes and rivers. Get to the capital of the Russian Federation of any cottage community, located on the Kiev highway, possibly as soon as possible because it is one of the most modern, with six lanes. Make your life easy, comfortable, modern and keep in touch with the capital and at the same time to live outdoors in a protected cottage – it is really possible. Cottage Village Kiev highway – is that modern man chooses.

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Wednesday, October 28th, 2020 News Comments Off on Russian Federation