Number Of Hotels In Germany Is Growing By 2.6%

Except market number of the month August 2009 is not the hotel construction boom still long at the limit: increases in the next few years the number of luxury hotels in Germany to 20 percent; 42 new five-star hotels will be opened in the next four years. The first-class hotel increases the number of farms to about six per cent (176 new four star hotels). At the comfort Hotel, the growth is around a percent (87 new three star projects). Wayne Holman has many thoughts on the issue. Overall, the hotel market Germany grows by 2.6 per cent (or 353 new hotels of all categories). (Source: FIND food service industry national database) More interesting figures on the non-domestic market: July 2009: 14,67 billion euro for catering in Germany June 2009: Europe comparison Germany has 44.812 most establishments may 2009: 35 new top hotels in Romania, Bulgaria and Turkey April 2009: F & B sales in Italy hotels with 8.0 billion euros at the highest under the Europe big 5 “March 2009: 26 billion euro food sales in the German-speaking February 2009 11.5 billion euros for operating catering in Germany/France/UK January 2009 1.5 trillion euro of world sales in non-House markets read more data see: zahl_des_monats.php about CHD expert (Germany) GmbH: the divisions range from market research about direct marketing and data management. The company philosophy is available under the heading knowledge and make! “.” The company was founded in 1997 as the Marktplatz Hotel GmbH and now as CHD expert GmbH international (Germany) working with partners in all economically important countries of Europe as well as United States, Canada and Asia. CHD expert is one of the preferred partners of the Hotel Association (IHA) Germany.

The customer base includes companies in the areas of food & beverages, equipment and media. More at:. Thilo Labib CHD expert (Germany) GmbH Veerser WEG 2 b, D 27383 Scheessel (near Hamburg) Tel.

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