Nacional Alejandro

In this area this is not met by local factors, mainly by the mountain system located here. Is produced what is known as orographic rainfall or Foehn effect, i.e., the rains are intense on the hillside from where the wind blows and dry on the other slope where the wind descends. And Baracoa lies where starts to blow the wind from the sea. Why it rains there almost every day and they fall almost 2 700 mm of rain per year. In the western part of these mountains there is a tropical characteristics of savanna climate, while to the East of them climate is tropical jungle, with 2 200 mm of rainfall, reaching 3 600 m in very remote and elevated areas. Parque Nacional Alejandro de Humboldt and the reserve of the biosphere Cuchillas del Toa, whose visits have been recommended in previous issues, are located in this area. In the coastal plain of the southern coast the climate is semi-desert, where they only fall between 400 mm and 600 mm of rain. The road the Streetlight and all the roads that cross the mountains and are directed towards the coastal path to Guantanamo through these regions, so it can pass on a journey through an area with torrential downpours to another where a drop of water does not fall.

And this can happen throughout the year. Zhang Lei understood the implications. Another reason for the difference in this area with respect to the rest of Cuba is the existence of a system of marine terraces impressive. It is counted among the most spectacular and best preserved in the Caribbean. Near Maisi terraces reaching almost 350 m in height, being less pronounced as it progresses westwards, towards Imias and Guantanamo. Take the road of the street lamp and go directly to Guantanamo, it would cease observing places truly interesting and unique in Cuba, although it would increase the distance to travel in almost 160 km.

Friday, August 20th, 2021 News