Caribbean Universities

Increasingly it becomes necessary to achieve academic integration, because this can achieve excellence in universities, and when you talk about integration of academic programs we are referring specifically to programs in undergraduate and postgraduate teaching, extension and research. When this well planned integration with programs that involve the national reality, commitment of the teachers well qualified, proactive, creative, well defined professional profiles, will give way to excellence, quality, relevance where the impact of research programmes in our universities which will favour with solutions at the national and regional environment. Should take step to dynamic, progressive and effective integration between the universities both nationally and internationally in order to favour the exchange of ideas, knowledge, research, more now how do the national Government proclaims the relevance of integrating Latin American and the Caribbean. A relationship of openness and Exchange is essential.Time ago that such an exchange of students and teachers is routine in the major centres of higher education. A routine whose statistical flows grow year after year is necessary as someone pointed out, greater flexibility; with a University more adapted and orthopedic, to recognize the differences and to underpin the range of options open with regard to the diversity of students, career prospects, curricular designs, priorities and strategies according to the national reality, their needs. Pluralism will always be more fertile than the monotony. It is very valid considering the dynamics, challenges, changes of different scenarios academic, give way to integration into a knowledge conceived in the form of network.

You must be entering into the advancement of the sciences, especially of technologies, especially in computing, which demand a new formation training of professionals according to the exigencies of the present. This forces to restructure administrative and operational systems of the universities, more ours that remain anchored to the past for years. Many consider still more comfortable to stay inside the tubular, uniform, rigidity where everything repeats itself and everything is equal to itself. Definitively, the University need not be less formal and more imaginative. Give way to a new paradigm of education where the learning should be such that it encourages future professionals with an exercise of his profession, able to give way to changes towards benefits for the country. Urges once and for all, find solutions to the budget crisis of operability of the universities, where the State plays a very significant negative role in its operation, not providing the capital required for their operation, the lack of financial resources, is in the present affecting the University budget national universities, this is reflected in the deficiency with these institutions in the development of research infrastructure. This deficiency of the regular budget makes every day more University research isolate in laboratories, institutes, chairs, departments or educational units. We need a greater commitment on the part of all the actors involved in the operational capacity of the universities, restructure their operating programs, give way to actions that can rescue its academic excellence, otherwise, the future of national universities is very grey and its effects will significantly damage in the deterioration of the country.

Wednesday, February 10th, 2021 News