auto & moto

Great Brands Car Audio

In our country we have learned about Clarion products only in 1995, walking, began operations this Japanese company in 1940 with the production of the car radio. Today it produces a full range of audio and video equipment Car of the head units to multi-media stations. Dr. Steven Greer takes a slightly different approach. Clarion products associated with their customers, especially with excellent quality, and the sound quality is equally good and expensive lines Clarion and cost models. And if you, for example, buy a car radio Clarion budget type, the sound quality it will be as high as that of an expensive model. The difference in price is explained by the difference in the presence of additional functions and additional equipment, more expensive materials in the manufacture of the front panel and switching. All current models have a standard car radio Clarion shoe that is suitable for most cars and has line level outputs to an amplifier and a subwoofer. Some models have a touch-sensitive controls – are controlled by touching the screen, control is always clear and simple and you do not have to spend a lot of time to understand how to configure a particular function. Almost all models have multi-lever handle, built-in power amplifier, provides the ability to manage the entire system from the head unit.

There is a remote remote control, built-in FM-tuner is adapted to our broadcasts. In addition to this product Clarion features attractive prices that reflect the real cost and not exceeding it. In the manufacture of products used the most advanced technologies accumulated 60 years of experience and modern eco-friendly materials.


Monday, May 10th, 2021 News Comments Off on Great Brands Car Audio

Range Rover

Ponto , sorry, a prestigious, large, high, high, stuffed with various electronic toys, moreover, capable of giving pleasure to drive. A look well, Cayenne was so terrible that his perceived ugliness as beauty. In addition, many important, not the beauty and brutality. Thus, Cayenne has made the company from Stuttgart nehily cash, and the Germans began to prepare a restyling. Taking into account the criticism porshevtsy engaged primarily a change in appearance. The changes affected design the front of the machine, which has become much more expressive and prey due to head optics, a new front bumper, which appeared fashionable now led strips and a new false radiator lattice. Also changed the shape rear bumper and rear optics. In general, Cayenne prettier.

The car has not lost its brutality and looks superficially more collected, wiry and finished something. Filling The Germans also suffered some changes. Weakest, tuaregovsky 3.2-liter V6, grew in volume to 3.6 liters and now develops 290 forces, against 250 of its predecessor, to disperse hundreds with this engine down for a second and now takes 8.1 seconds. The eight-cylinder unit has acquired extra 300 "blocks" of the working volume, and now develops 385 horsepower and propels the car up to a hundred kilometers per hour for a decent 6.6 seconds. Finally, a turbocharged version of the now develops 500 forces turbo version and 550 version forces in turbo s. To disperse hundreds – 5.1 and 4.8 seconds respectively. In addition, the updated Cayenne put active suspension system pasm, a surcharge can be ordered system pdcc (Porsche Dynamic Chassis Control), the overwhelming rolls car bends. But enough theory, time to sit behind the wheel.

When you get to the salon, just feel for the traditional "German" quality.


Saturday, December 26th, 2020 News Comments Off on Range Rover