Archive for November, 2012
Weight Loss Without Hunger
Every time they are plus the people with overweight. Often post office arrive to me from users who want that he gives the miraculous diet them, the panacea of the century, with which to lower quickly of weight. The experience indicates to me that to lower of weight it is not necessary to pass hunger, to make strict diets by fifteen days or to eliminate foods that you like, for then, to increase to the double of weight, creating the effect I-I. That is not the most intelligent and advisable way to lower of weight. First that you must do it is very simple. In the simplicity is the success to lower of weight or to obtain what you set out. Taking two liters of water daily and realises a stroll, a long walk by thirty minutes, every day. Before experimenting with miraculous diets that say to you that in one week you are going away to see with a sculptural body, that you are going to lose weight, is recommendable that you commit yourself with you to make this small sacrifice.
If you are not arranged to act, then, it is better than you follow so with your life what. The commitment with one same one must be total. To lower of weight requires to make a decision unremovable. To have in mind our decision and is through the action that we will manage to obtain better results. Although with these previous steps you are not going to lower quickly of weight overnight, if you will be creating the solid bases for a change of life style. In order to lower of weight it is important to eat. You read as well as it.
It is necessary to eat and to do it five times to the day, if it is possible. Quite the opposite which you have listened until now. This is the good news for you, that you like to eat and that far from pedirte Noncommas! , I suggest to you you do more. The problem is not to eat but what it eats. That way they say: You are what you eat. To eat implies to do considering it the benefit and the satisfaction. Our ingestion of food must be balanced and to contain all the nutritional groups: healthful proteins, carbohydrates and fats. If, also you must consume even fat to lower of weight. If you want to know which are the foods that will quickly help to lower you of weight, I recommend to you that you go site and obtn it reports special where I give to a list of these foods greasy burning fire you: Here I am going to give an advance to you: butter, milk, oil, eggs, milk, tea, nuts, peanut, meat of calf, meat of head of cattle, ostrich, deer, ox and many others that you do not imagine that they are essential to lower of and the quickly most important weight, to lower of weight eating, without paying hunger and strict diets.
The Civil Guard
Dear Mr. Rubalcaba: I itself seeing the cars and the motorcycles by the highway. What less is seen is than they put fines recaudatorias. The demonstration has in the reduction of the accidents in the highways this summer. Now it is seen them but to the agents and that it is to come up.
When they hide, that is to collect. When a radar is put in a straight freeway and with three tracks, that is to collect. When this same one becomes in a secondary road or in a crossing it is to sanction the infractions. Apparently some of the vindications does not remember of our Civil Guards and it is only happened to him to ask that they perform one’s duty, that is to say who they enforce the law but to that it calls to obey the law? Returning to the hiding place behind fences with camouflaged car, stops of this form to be able to increase its wage. Or it is to obey the law? , having to be in silence with the miserable conditions in which they are. Or the lamentable state of some quarters and also of the vehicles. If is denounced or protested firewood to the guard that has military discipline. Please, Mr. Rubalcaba we are honest and they do not touch but the noses to Body that from its foundation (for 1844 approx), has been respected, beloved, in some cases, even hated (by the circumstances of the regime, that by the way it was I aim to settle it) but at the present time, he is one of the bodies and evaluated estates more and considered by the Spaniards, over the politicians that these in their majority had to be first in obeying the laws and to leave wastefulness, is there where we must begin to enforce the laws. And we remember that was based like a CIVIL body to maintain the law and order in towns, where nobody dared to take part.
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