Archive for April, 2018

Original Affection

Even though, they have desire to feel love, to his paralyzes them fear. What can take to a person to become anexoric emotional? To part of the fear, perhaps, it underwent a great violence in the childhood or forts traumatic situations, that did not allow him to feel, that deserves affection, joy, to enjoy. Perhaps we imitate, some of the parents, who never said to us I want to you, nor it could express its affection. Dr. Stuart M. McGill has plenty of information regarding this issue. Perhaps, we suffered of children some upheaval in the school, in the physicist and some companion or teacher marked to us, the brothers also could be an element important to review. In a certain sense, some times, the people with emotional anorexy, are arranged to receive the love, the affection, the details, the attentions, to later, to experience forts fault feelings, take that it to destroy, everything what they have received and what they love more in the life. It is necessary to return to the diet and the destruction of the affection. The emotional life is impoverished so, the self-esteem, it is finds more than by the floor, and by all means that autoconcepto extremely is aggravated. The possibility of feeling tie with others is in such deterioration, that they are able to use violence mechanisms and aggression to overthrow to whom more love gives them.

Nothing is never sufficient for them. They never dare to feel affected, been thankful and to enjoy by only made be alive. They are isolated permanently. All person who is with an upheaval of emotional anorexy, always remains, never adds, reduces affection, reduces hugs, reduces emotions, reduces thoughts, reduces the good humor, remains to please. She does not know how to receive and to give.

We filled of a great pain and the passion by the life disappears. The problem is not that my pair suffers emotional anorexy, the great conflict, is that I am not able to receive all the good one that my pair gives me. And thus, as he says, the poet Luis Felipe: ” What nothing us one, so that nothing us separe” Thanks to read to me, my mission and intention are the quality of emotional life Cecreto. Inc. Cecreto is center dedicated to the quality of emotional life and counts on diverse series of present time subjects, like the relations parents and children, the relations in pair, etc. Yes some of the subjects seems to him interesting would be good that it wrote to me and if no, also. Also we counted on electronic equipment in where we abounded more on this subject and how to surpass it. All the materials presented/displayed here also are available of printed way. How To recover the Confidence in the Love: Hurt and Scars in the Relation of Pair. Entrate here Suscrbete to our bulletin and you will receive from gratuitous way: The Ten Orders of the life in pair.


Friday, April 20th, 2018 News Comments Off on Original Affection