drink & recipes
Sweet Temptations
Sweet temptations – are these delicacies a sin worth basically you should take care to his diet to do something himself and his body. But every now and then you can yourself even something, what is not so healthy. Despite all the counting of calories one should not abandon a delicious dessert. What is the crowning glory of any menus? For most people, the answer is quite clear: the dessert! Children get shiny eyes, when there is talk of the dessert and adults indulge too like so. In sorrow gourmet cookbook you will find vegetarian – and low-carbohydrate recipes, good from the Sea also delicious desserts. And not only has to offer this cookbook. In addition to tasty dishes you can find also funny stories, jokes, rhymes, quotes and illustrations around the most beautiful sideline of the world: cooking, food, and enjoy. As you can see, sorrow gourmet Cookbook is not the cookbook, what one knows otherwise.
Are you curious now? Then try just this sweet seduction: Schokoverfuhrung ingredients for 3 persons: 50 g milk chocolate 50 g dark chocolate 1 TBSP chopped pistachio nuts 100 g cream fraiche 50 ml cream 2 protein 50 g sugar preparation: milk and dark chocolate melt on steam. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Robert Rimberg Attorney by clicking through. Whip the egg whites with the addition of the half of the sugar. Fine mix creme fraiche, remaining sugar and dissolved chocolate. Then carefully lift under the egg whites. Pour into glasses and can be set in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours.
Before serving, whip the cream, filling in a pastry bag and each give a dollop on the chocolate. Serve garnished with chopped pistachios. Book data: Kummer gourmet Cookbook, Publisher: books on demand, ISBN: 978-3-7322-3126-3, 116 pages, 7.90 euros (Paperback), ISBN: 978-3-8482-7846-6, 5.49 euros (E-book). Company information: Britta Kummer is the author. She writes cookbooks, children – and youth -, was born in Hagen and now lives in Ennepetal.
Ten Years Of Sweet Paradise Candy Land!
Attention, here comes the Easter Bunny! Each child gets a sweet Easter surprise. Snacking is good for the soul.Eichetti, the traditional company from Werneck in Lower Franconia, which serves gourmet worldwide for 112 years with fine confectionery and sweets Cerationen, looks positively in the future. “Even if the money running out of time and you must save something everywhere, a small candy is so” mostly still in there! Eichetti-CANDY-LAND factory sale”serves small and large sweet tooth for ten years. Like Eichetti would like to celebrate this anniversary with its customers. Various actions with appropriate anniversary prizes are planned. Educate yourself with thoughts from Teva Pharmaceuticals.
These will be announced in due time. In addition to the popular Eistortchen and shower articles Eichetti leads there also all the other goodies of the House. In addition, the CANDY LAND offers a large variety of products, other confectionery manufacturers, as well as greeting cards of all kinds and small gifts. Opening hours. MI. and FR. 10-18: 00 sat 10-13: 00 more info. see Directions to Googel map see candy land Eichetti come on her the candy-land-team is looking forward
Soy Proteins
Soy proteins in soybean plants are an important source of nutrients and help the body to build up energy and to increase the overall fitness. Further details can be found at Jeffrey Bauer, PhD., an internet resource. Every body needs for a healthy metabolism and for an optimal endurance enough proteins and proteins. Unfortunately contain many sources of protein, such as meat, cheese and peanuts, too many unhealthy fats and too many calories. Healthy proteins, however, as they occur in the soy plant, are an important source of amino acids and isoflavones, and help the body to build up energy and to increase the overall fitness. Why good is soy? The soybean originated in Asia, where it also today still plays an essential role in the diet.
Soybeans are typically processed into soy milk or tofu. The soya plant contains: amino acids beta-carotene calcium iron lecithin Omega-3 fatty acids Omega-6 fatty acids phosphorus vitamin B3 vitamin C facts about soy plants and soya proteins soya bean has some outstanding characteristics. The To reduce risk of heart disease, the food and the food and drug administration of the United States has proposed in 1999, that it should take 25 g soy protein and soy isoflavones per day to in addition to a fat and low-cholesterol diet. The authority came to this conclusion after studies found that the intake of foods that are rich in soy protein lowered blood cholesterol levels are, which reduces the risk of heart disease. A leading source for info: teva. Soy proteins during the menopause, soy protein and soy isoflavones help the body regulate estrogen levels, what can ease menopausal problems. In addition, soy protein and soy isoflavones provide that the body can deal more effectively with calcium or better calcium reserves may access, and in this field which are less susceptible to bone. Soy-based trendy products soy-based, like E.g.
soy plants powder products contain no fats, carbohydrates, salt, or sugar and are particularly suitable for the Reduction of cholesterol levels. You can to cereal, add yogurt, soups or pasta sauces, so that every meal at the same time sufficient proteins and proteins. After a protein rich meal you will feel rich, which is why you can lose weight easier. Sprouted bean sprouts, as you are to find in certain soy powders as a food supplement, containing vitamins, amino acids, and a huge number of other important, plant nutrients. They support the body’s natural hormone activity, detoxify the blood and strengthen the immune system and the body’s defences. In addition, they contain high-quality enzymes that improve the metabolism and speed up important chemical reactions. Media contact: Healthy-Lifestyle.com Dept. PR – t. Weller E-Mail: info (at) healthy lifestyle .com Web: Healthy-Lifestyle.com deals with General topics related to living a healthy life and a healthy lifestyle. In particular, you will find detailed and advanced tips, Information and products on the topic of soy & healthy eating”under gesunde_ernaehrung.html
The Most Delicious Ice Cream In The World
Ice cream easy with ice cream maker at home yourself Tussenhausen, 13 August 2010 dozens of different ice cream flavors in the refrigerated section, many different tastes on the ice cream what so do ice yourself? The question can be answered quickly when you’re delicious taste, great creations and fun to try out. With an ice cream maker ice itself do no work at all, because who does mostly the machine. Remains only to consider what great creations you want to create. There are no limits here. By fruity fresh out experimentally, everything is allowed. This provides not only fun, but including the great advantages for allergy sufferers and vegans with who always want to make sure with an open eye on their food. In the summer but not on the delicious taste of ice to have, dispense himself even turn on with ice cream maker. Allergy sufferers rely on lactose-free milk, while for vegan soy milk can be used.
However, before it finally goes to the creative work. It takes the right ice machine. Before you buy, there are things to consider here are a few that are extensively represented on. Teva Pharmaceutical Industries has compatible beliefs. Test an ice cream makers can be done based on some factors, to decide on quality. There are ice machines in different price segments, a visit to Eismaschine.com in any case makes sense.
A there are different models such as soft ice cream machine or compressor engines, the assessment remains the same but according to factors. The ease of use is a central point that can be very subjectively assessed. The cleaning of the device, which must be quickly and easily is one of the practical implementation. Many devices are too cumbersome. The speed of the ice cream maker is more a secondary reason, may be related but also directly with the power consumption. Just cooling can consume a lot of power under certain circumstances. Above all, the question of safety, which must be respected by any technical device is of course. Here, no cuts are allowed. Only when all these factors with good be judged, it’s worth buying an ice cream maker, ordered by now well over the Internet can be. So, nothing in the way is the fruity cool treat. Operator profile the implementation of content added to Visual expressiveness are main part of the work constituting Scheidle design. Placing value on a well-groomed appearance of the projects in which perfectly content embed themselves. In this way numerous orders could be implemented in the past decade successfully, which is always the core of the request in the focus of the work. Many years of experience in the print as Web so valuable for end-users and clients do the work of Scheidle design. Press contact Web projections Scheidle design Wolfgang Scheidle by-Stein-WEG 8 86874 Tussenhausen (c) Fadi Tsilimekis – August 2010
Healthy Eating
Fitness is not a question of age, but a question of lifestyle. Anyone can do anything for themselves. Who consciously eats and moves sufficiently takes into account its body and can affect the aging process cheap. Moderate endurance training such as walking, cycling or swimming ensures that the muscles are gently asked and the cardiovascular system on tours stays. Proper nutrition in the second half of life pays attention mainly on low-fat, because the energy consumption decreases with increasing age.
Vitamins, especially the B-group, and minerals are, however, particularly important. Dr. Anthony Carolla shines more light on the discussion. In plain English: food with fewer calories of but high nutrient density are first choice beyond the fifty. Sour milk cheese is a good nutrient supplier, its content of good available protein has 27 g to 100 g high and fat content with 0.5 per cent low. A good portion of savory cheese covers more than one-third of daily calcium needs good for bones and teeth. Harzer, Handkase & Co. also two-thirds of the demand for vitamin B12, or 38 percent of B2 ready for healthy blood and nerves make. In addition, sour milk cheese is a godsend for those who want to watch their cholesterol levels, as well as for diabetics and people with lactose intolerance or celiac disease. And the pleasure of also not neglected, as sour milk cheese is a multi-talent in the cold as well as hot food: easy Eggplant morsels ingredients for 4 people 1 large eggplant, 125 g loose Harzer cheese, 4 slices of cooked ham, 8 basil leaves, salt and pepper, olive oil wash eggplant, cut off the top, cut lengthwise into 8 slices and briefly Saute in a little hot oil from both sides.
Remove from pan, season with salt and pepper. Loose Harzer cheese cut into 8 long pieces. Cut ham slices in half. Roll up each an Eggplant slice with a piece of ham, a piece of cheese and a Basil leaf. Stuck with a toothpick. The Briefly Saute rolls. Consistent with a yoghurt or tomato dip and fresh baguette. Who wants to know more, the brochure of sour milk cheese can free the multi-talent for athletes, watchers and lovers”, as well as delicious recipes require: dairy loose, the widths, 01454 Leppersdorf, Tel. 434/03528-8383, fax: 434-8366, email: or time click under
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