
They had initiated the descending, and they had been right-handers to the tunnel where the others waited. In the stairs of the tunnel of the ET? s, the indians had looked at for top and turn the base totem it. Rebelled, they argued in its language. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out clothes for tall women. They had gone down one eighty meters and they had given with an enormous hall partially crowded with shovels, pickaxes, chains, handle-of-steel, plates of iron of the most diverse thicknesses, ratchets, boxes of electrodes, weld machines, oxygen bottles and wooden acetylene, boards, packages of pregos, bars, material electric hydromechanical engineer and, one sophisticated ventilation system, two we modernssimos generating groups that could enter in functioning some seconds after black-out and one eficientssimo system of exhaust fans. The material most abundant was the hydromechanical engineer, made up of bombs, tubings and hoses that never would allow flooding, for more violent.

Enraptured static and, had contemplated the installations and had decided to follow for the hollowings. It was equipped by modernssimas measured of security, in such a way personal, as boots, helmets, belts, masks against gases and protection against the radioactivity, how much against landslides, that would be fatal in that depth. Irritated, they had fixed the looks in the staff of the ENGETEC, as to ask for explanations. That workmanship could not have been carried through without its knowledge. They had gestured, but no word of nexus left to them the lips and had decided to return, to take depositions.

Alberto distributed the form work that a handle and some soldiers lead the staff of the ENGETEC, after organizing monitoring, while it with the other handle and a soldier would take the prisoner to would saw. It had fort suspicion to find any track that lead the smugglers and it did not want to doubt the intuition. It already for more than saves it a time, and she would not be of she would disdain that it.

Wednesday, January 20th, 2021 News