
Those parents who are trying to upokoit your child a spoon of wine or beer, alcohol is not perceived adequately. After all, people familiar with the culture of alcohol and its effects on the body, especially dangerous in the first years of life, never resort to using this dubious “sleeping pills and sedatives.” Even in Russia, during the harvest season, the women often gave the children a decoction of poppy seeds, so they do not distract them from working in the field. But the most popular sleeping with time immemorial, is alcohol. It is surprising that in today’s abundance of information about the dangers of alcohol on the body, many parents continue to use a dangerous sedative. The first years of life – the most important in child development. At this age there is an intensive growth of brain cells, clearly demonstrates that doubling the mass of the brain in the first year of life. Alcohol also hinders the development of new cells and exerts disastrous effect on the already existing ones.

Because alcohol has the ability to easily penetrate into cells, disrupting their internal metabolism and energy. Naturally, the alcohol in this age causes irreparable central nervous system defects and, until the mental retardation. The earliest disastrous result of alcohol – is the appearance of a boomerang effect, which is achieved using alcohol – a baby gets serious sleep problems. In addition, the child becomes restless, there is abnormal development of the psyche and emerge seizures. The systematic “deep sleep” of the child with alcohol, in organism does not form a natural protective barrier against alcohol.

In normally developing child forth a number of protective properties of the body. For example, to protect the brain nature has provided protective cells in the blood vessels, which are selectively passed into the brain substance. Or, you may receive a violation of the liver, where its filter function is impaired. As a result, in the future of the child who grew up during the reception Alcohol will not have all the protective reaction to intoxication of the organism, such as nausea – alcohol assigns a natural barrier. What a great extent contributes to the rapid development of addiction for a person and severe treatment of alcohol dependence. But the main thing when considering the topic, the question remains – “What is the attitude to alcohol in a family is considered acceptable, such methods calm the baby?”. After all, the natural reaction at constant crying or poor sleep baby in a normal family, a trip to the pediatrician or child psychologist. And if the parents are trying so solve the problem of abnormal development of the child, then the family alcohol adequately perceived. After all, parents are familiar with the culture of alcohol and its effects will never use this dubious “sleeping pills” in which a child goes to sleep healthy and wake up already sick.

Wednesday, August 7th, 2013 News