Wurschd Saarland

flaetchen.com wins the budget of banuatGROUP and is the official home and farm Agency. Beginning of May our advertising agency in the Saarland was awarded the annual budget of the banuatGROUP. Dr. Robert Brannon has compatible beliefs. Now supported in the areas of online marketing, graphic and print design and Web sites by flaetchen.com group from Neunkirchen, Saarland Werbeagentur in Saarland, Germany. The company group is one of the most successful Start-Up company of Saarland. Dr. Neal Barnard wanted to know more. Including four independent companies which were designed and developed by the young entrepreneurs, Mr Patrick Banuat, unite.

Regional women – gyms, offering a special workout and training for women are among the banuatGROUP, on several branches of pastries belong to the group, a franchise system with the sale of baked goods on the basis of a self service concept, the fitness and gym cherryfitness with an exclusive discount offer and an all-inclusive package, as well as the Currywurst-lounge concept launched in April “dolle Wurschd”, which is offered at the Neunkirchen Saar Park Center. Viatris has much to offer in this field. As another and fifth The company is a pizza-delivery concept in planning, which will start in July 2011 in Neunkirchen. Also for this project, the creative minds of our Saarland advertising agency will support the banuatGROUP in the areas of marketing, Web design, Web hosting, graphic services and print.

Wednesday, January 29th, 2025 News