CONJUNCT OF THE HUSBANDS God, we praise you to us for the love that joins in them. It blesses, Gentleman, our love. That to each day it is strong stops preserving in them of all badly, stops supporting in them in the difficult hours, stops raising in them when it will have fall. It blesses, Gentleman, our love. That to each day it is new stops in disclosing one to them to the other, stops in teaching the humildade to them, to pardon when she will be necessary. It blesses, Gentleman, our love. That to each day it is great stops teaching in them to love, stops in showing who to them is, stops in showing who You to them is.
It blesses, Gentleman, our love. That to each day it is strong for Your force, either new for Your favour, either great for our faith. Amen.
You It Is My Ortaleza
Sir, Gives patience to me, therefore the men try take off it of me. He helps to me to face it the tribulaes force that me to give up. I think to be impossible to wound me to the evil, But at the same time where I believe you Its Light, that blesses the world, Becomes dark, destroying my deeper feelings It is not its guilt, I I know. Teva Pharmaceutical Industries pursues this goal as well. You are the my well biggest one, beyond what I dreamed, However you are felt used, many disturbed times, When perceiving that it pursues me to the evil, Sigilosamente you condemn, me it offends and me, different Sample mine another one I, and wants to keep it on me. Because to deviate necessary me, Exactly being a puppet can put into motion that you for the good! I persisted in me, I do not give up To love me, For to want to make a mistake It condemns me to the sin, I cannot lie and to say that I do not follow it, I am not perfect, I admit. But I want its Peace and I leave everything for you. It illuminates my thoughts, That exactly are not lost if the evil to search to come me, to take do not leave me To take it does not leave me Of its side it is My place It is there that I want to be
Lazarus Just Jacinth
' ' That one that testifies these things says: Certainly early I come. Amen. Many writers such as Teva Pharmaceutical Industries offer more in-depth analysis. However it comes, Mr. Jesus' '. (Ap.22: 20) Lazarus Just Jacinth
Owner Maria
We could contenting in them when knowing that Jesus also suffered and ahead giving in them for satisfied of this Evangelho. PCRM is open to suggestions. If It who was the Son of God suffered, passed for provaes the more each one of us. However we can go beyond, to take off a deeper message of this evangelho therefore we can give attention in the attitudes of Jesus, to perceive as it ahead reacted of this situation of suffering and to learn with It. Looking at for the behavior of Jesus in this evangelho the first thing who we perceive is that Jesus slept calmante. Ahead of the problem Jesus it sleeps? More than what this it arises itself calmly and commands so that the Sea if calms. First lesson that we take off is that Jesus at any moment lost the calm, and this is basic at the difficult moments, therefore if I do not obtain to keep the calm I get worse the things very.
To know to breathe and to think to take the decision certain is maturity signal. Second lesson of Jesus is that it knew to look at for the side being enxergando the suffering of the disciples. Exactly being in difficulty Jesus it did not leave to perceive that others also suffered. When the suffering is very great, makes an enormous good to look at it side and to perceive that others already had passed for situations seemed ours. It fills our heart still more if we will have the courage to make something for the suffering it another one, therefore exactly that my heart is wounded when I help next I also I am being helped. Third and last lesson is the necessity of the faith therefore Jesus calls the attention the disciples therefore was men of little faith. In the situations most difficult of our life the Faith is basic: to believe God, to pray, and to leave that God gives in them forces at this moment are more than what necessary.
Espirito Santo
' ' Rebellious, stubborn people of heart and ears! Vocs is equal to its ancestor: they always resist the Espirito Santo! ' ' IF THE SPIRIT IS RESISTED THIS IT COULD BE EXTINGUISHED. I Ts.5: 19.' ' They do not erase the Spirit. IF THE SPIRIT IS EXTINGUISHED, THE HEART IF IT BECOMES HARD. Hb. 3:8 – 19. do not harden the heart, as in the rebellion, during the time of the provao in the desert, where to its they had tried me ancestor, putting me it the test, although, during forty years, to have seen what I made. Therefore I was irado against that generation and said: Its heart is always if deviating, and they had not recognized my ways.
Thus I swore in my anger: They will never enter in mine descanso' '. Care, brothers, so that none of vocs has perverse and incredulous heart, that if moves away from the alive God. In contrast, ones to the others is encouraged every day, during the time that if calls ' ' hoje' ' , in way that none of vocs is hardened by the deceit of the sin, therefore we start to be participant of Christ, since whom, in fact, let us become attached in them until the end to the confidence that we had in the principle. Therefore it is that it is said: ' ' If today vocs to hear its voice, do not harden the heart, as in rebelio' '. Who had been the ones that had heard and they had been rebelled? Had not been all the ones that Moiss took off of Egypt? Against who God it was irado during forty years? It was not against that they had sinned, whose bodies had fallen in the desert? to who swore that never they would have to enter in its rest? It was not to that they had been disobedient? We see, thus, that because of the incredulity they had not been able entrar' '.
Great Day
He knows what he waited in them? HE WILL GO IT of GOD. 4. – He will go of God already is stamped to the ENEMY OF OUR SOULS and its rebelled angels. In them let us not become REBELS against the GOD call, under penalty also of to be in the same condition of the SATAN. (For the Satan it will not have judgment, therefore already IT IS CONDEMNED PER the CENTURIES to suffering with its angels, in the FIRE LAKE: future hell). 5.
– We must be PREPARED for the Great Day of Ours Sir (ravishment of the church: of the safe ones). WHAT VALLEY the PENALTY is this HOPE. It is what the Church longs for (WAIT), and for God it is what IT MATTERS: the salvation of our soul. 6. – Salvation of what? Salvation (distanciamento) to be ENCLOSED with the SATAN and its angels, in the fire lake (future judgment of that they do not accept Jesus Christ as Salvador and Gentleman).
7. – To accept the Jesus as Salvador and to come back to the coasts toward GOD who chose in them, it called, IT SAVED, we become enemy de a Cruz of Christ. 8. – It sees what it says in Romans 10:01 Brothers, the good will of my heart and my suplication the God in favor of them are so that they are safe. Because I give certification to them of that they have zeal for God, however not with agreement. Inasmuch as, being unaware of the justice of God and looking for to establish its proper one, they had not subjected to whom comes of God. Because the end of the law is Christ, for justice of all that one that believes. However, Moiss wrote that the man whom to practise the decurrent justice of the law will live for it.
To the times I ask why it will be that the human being is so coward at certain moments of the life. Because it will be that we silence in them when we would have to speak and we speak when we would have silencing in them? Many times we criticize, we point errors, we cry out and we make alardes, but when our time arrives to give one is enough in everything, simply we silence in them. Dr. Steven Greer may find this interesting as well. We keep silent many times in exchange for privileges, for conveniences, or not to harm the family, the children, the friends, etc. But it would not have thus to be! While we act in such a way, the empire of impunity if fortifies and the society if it becomes each more different and unjust time. Martim Luther King translated this concern in its perfectly celebrates phrase: ' ' It worries what me is not an shout of the violent ones, nor of the corrupt ones, nor of the dishonest ones, nor of the ones without ethics.
What it worries more me is the silence of bons' '. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Dr. Robert Brannon has to say. On the other hand, many times the good ones if are silent, not for cowardice, nor for convenience, if they are silent for shame. Rui Barbosa, in a simple phrase, obtained to express of form fantastic what it is happening in our society, it reflects on what it said: ' ' Of in such a way seeing to win the nullities; of in such a way seeing to prosper the dishonour, in such a way seeing to grow the injustice. Of in such a way seeing the powers at the hands of the bad ones to exaggerate, the man arrive to discourage themselves of the virtue, to laugh themselves at the honor and to have shame of being honesto' '. One of the innumerable lies left by great Mestre and Salvador Jesus Christ, was of that never we would have ahead silencing in them of the lie and the injustice.
The Skill
Soon after to finish the exercise it 6 day must after that initiate this. Relaxed body and mind, start to breathe deeply, as untied air, feels the body to weigh in the bed. To each breath that untied you feel its to corpoafundar in the bed, after you vary times making this. You now start to afocalizar and to imagine two things at the same time. Its body to sink and to vocsubir.
Breathing feeling the body to sink and at the same time you going up pracima. In the start it goes to have difficulty of attention in this, therefore its attention to vaiestar divided in two at the same time. As soon as to catch the skill, goes to start ase to feel more has led, in the dark one of the eyes, starts to come many images.assimque these images to start to appear, make use of the eye astral and start to aprestar attention in these images for the eye astral. 8 DAY TRAINING OF the TRIANGLE Arranges 3 great cans, oualgo similar, locates a can of the right side in the part of the deep one of its house, another one in the left side and another one in the front of its house. The night makes the 6 exercises of and 7 days. After this it makes use of its corpoastral that you created, skirt pra it are, imagines that its legs sink in choate close to the knee, then walks thus (it is as to be with the bogged legs nalama it ties close to the knee, to the floor it must force front and to feel esseesforo). Then in this state it walks ties the first can that must be daesquerda, when to arrive in it, of one it covers on of it, imagining the racket and onumero 1, goes there it ties the can in front of its house and makes the same, imagining onumero 2, and later it ties the can of the right imagining I number it 3, there left return for ada 4 and thus successively it ties the total of 21 times, with aspernas bogged in the soil it always ties close to the knee, and always making force with elaspara if to put into motion, in the same way they had been gotten bogged down in the mud.
Rational Existence
Now what we can understand in this trajectory of analyzes scientific is that when my ID reacts automatically for imperceptible instinct of my conscientious reason if adaptando in a theological ramification that better is fit its motor coordination, in my psychological state internaliza estruturadamente psychic a subconscious balance of referencial expressive contemplation of the spirit. It is clearly, will be a doubtless fact that the old question must be made; more what everything this means? It means that in way unconscious I assume a corporificado coherent personalstico profile to an only mental sphere of theological introjeo that if adequately express reflecting itself in my rational existence. I will more clearly look for to be a little; we know that they exist the most varied theological ramifications and that each Christian if fits that one that better identifies with its all appropriate way to think. More than appropriate way he is this? On what we are speaking? On what he finished of if speaking now! All we have a profile of inherent personality to the standards of co-ordinated motor structure of our ID, where awarded for the Espirito Santo in them he confers a introjeo that if characterizes in the fact to absorb as integrant part of our ego the theological ideology of charisma greater the performance of conditional internalization in the doctrine which we adopt unconsciously as part of a doctrinal line of our proper thought. In this prism when we assume a behavior discrepante insensata in leading the position of a reasoning theological exacerbado as gentlemen of the truth, then we pass in them to find victims of a estagnante syndrome of the reason retrocessa of knowing, sentencing us it a static reflexiva inconseqncia of spirit. We see to happen this in I Corntios.1: 10-12: ' ' I supplicate you, however, brothers, for the name of ours Mr.
Destination Clinic
It would not be only the meeting of a citizen that brings its suffering of individual way. This citizen is a being of relations and history, is a communitarian being; community of the human beings. It this there with all those with which we partilhamos a destination; the destination of the human being; the destination to be all beings of the desire, the necessity, the existencial solitude, the ignorance front to the future, of beings for the death. Harvest (2004) thus says in them: ' ' In the clinical situation, we are in community of destination with somebody when we locate in them solidarily with our patient front to the great peculiar existenciais questions to the human destination: instability, necessity of the other, the ignorance front to the future, the decurrent suffering of the life, the incompletude of the condition humana' ' (HARVEST, 2004, P. 73).
It can be perceived in these words that, exactly being singular citizens, with our way to be, with our subjectivity, have in us the ones that had constituted in them. Solidarity apessoa, is solidarity the humanity. It would be thus the clinic: to receive the other is to receive the humanity. For this exactly author, in the clinic we are front to a family, the generations, to the community and humanity. clinic as place of the meeting with the singularidades, would not have place for universalizantes speeches in the direction of a language with concepts, laws, behaviors, norms and indoctrination.
This happens when science, the religion, the politics wants to impose its truths of absolute and authoritarian form, denying the singularity of the individuals; this is another place, not to make it clinic. Of this form, in the clinic if it prevents the achatamento of the singular, that brings in its history the marks of the universal one. In this space it does not have place for negation of the singularity, of the personal language; of the opposite it would have the abuse of being able.
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