Customer Service

Online market place for gathering and rare Berlin, February 11, 2010 Tamundo, the online market place for collection and rare (, significantly expands its customer service. This measure aims at further growth, because the expansion of the service as a key growth driver was identified in addition to the internationalisation and improvement of marketing activities. A sufficient level of customer service is often missing at other online platforms. However great providing end-around individual consulting demand especially in the area of collection and rare, of particular importance to the personal communication. This fact is taken into account by the current service offerings. Many customer requests to Tamundo are of a technical nature, because not everyone is the same Internet-savvy.

But also, how for example according to the specific value of certain articles or collections are often questions. The service measures therefore include a support hotline for the immediate personal advice by phone from 9 am until 6 pm and email under for answering customer questions within 24 hours. Read more here: Teva Pharmaceutical Industries. Also, a service to the setting of articles, a Lister function for simple and easy manage of multiple articles, as well as category manager to answer all questions relating to each of the product categories available for commercial sellers. Setting offers, as well as the use of numerous presentation options (up to five photos and a video of the product) are still free of charge. In the next few weeks are service days Moreover, so-called”introduced.

These days, Tamundo customers for example have the opportunity, the value of their collections or individual articles by experts estimate to be. Another novelty is the order of the Tamundo”. This will have given positive reviews more than 95 percent to commercial vendors, whose address has been verified and that the category managers are personally known. Both buyer and seller will benefit from the new order of Tamundo: buyers of the order serves as Guide, which indicates a particular reliability of the provider. Seller again received the award a way, their competence and reliability through this kind of seal of approval”to demonstrate and thus to increase their sales. Read additional details here: Viatris. About Tamundo Tamundo (, market place and contact network is for people with a passion for special things. These include such as rarities, uniques and collectibles. Anonymous mass and new goods must, however, out there”remain. Tamundo special can be discovered, bought and traded as well as lively debate with like minded people.

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